About the Club

Mission Statement

The Carolina Bird Club is a non-profit organization that represents and supports the birding community in the Carolinas through its website, publications, meetings, workshops, trips, and partnerships, whose mission is

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The Carolina Bird Club, Inc., is a non-profit educational and scientific association open to anyone interested in the study and conservation of wildlife, particularly birds.

The Club meets each winter, spring, and fall at different locations in the Carolinas. Meeting sites are selected to give participants an opportunity to see many different kinds of birds. Guided field trips and informative programs are combined for an exciting weekend of meeting with people who share an enthusiasm and concern for birds.

The Club offers research grants in avian biology for undergraduate and graduate students, and scholarships for young birders.

The Club publishes two print publications (now also available online). The Chat is a quarterly ornithological journal that contains scientific articles, reports of bird records committees and bird counts, and general field notes on bird sightings. CBC Newsletter is published bimonthly and includes birding articles and information about meetings, field trips, and Club news.

The Club provides this website to all for free.

By becoming a member, you support the activities of the Club, receive reduced registration fee for meetings, can participate in bonus field trips, and receive our publications.

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Other Resources (NOT sponsored by Carolina Bird Club)

The Chat Cumulative Index—Volumes 35 (1971)–79 (2015)



Simon, 2011:1, 2011:8, 2011:9, 2011:41, 2011:93, 2011:127, 2011:134

Table Rock, SC 1992:65

Table Rock Mountain, SC 1984:97, 1984:100, 1988:59–62, 1993:11

Table Rock State Park, 2007:49, 2008:28, 2009:24

, SC 1978:18, 1978:71, 1979:23, 1979:24, 1980:24, 1990:93, 1991:19, 1991:36, 1991:53–54, 1997:68, 1998:189, 1999:188, 2000:109, 2000:150, 160, 2001:42, 2001:153–154, 2002:107, 112, 2002:146–147, 2003:71, 2003:115, 120, 2003:155, 2004:55–56, 2004:123, 2005:52, 57, 2005:74, 2005:150, 2005:170, 2006:20, 2006:45, 54, 2006:94

Tabor City, NC 2012:130

Tacoma, WA 2001:112

Taillie, Paul 2012:109, 2012:113, 2012:133, 2014:165, 2015:42, 2015:151, 2016:105, 2016:107, 2016:111, 2016:117

, Paul J., Marcus, Carpenter, and Anderson, Distribution, Persistence, and Habitat Associations of Bachman's Sparrow (Peucaea aestivalis) in NC 2016:57–71

Talbert, Emily 2004:21, 2009:86, 2011:13, 2011:98, 2012:75, 2013:110, 2014:128, 2015:150

, Rose 2016:7

Talbot, Ed 2004:48

, Michelle 2004:48

Talkington, Cheryl 2014:20

, Chris 2011:97, 2012:58, 2012:72, 2013:18, 2013:21, 2013:41–42, 2013:90, 2013:153, 2014:10, 2014:18–20, 2014:27, 2014:69, 2015:148 See also Wright, David, and Chris Talkington 2013

, Jerry 2007:24, 2008:39, 2008:109, 112

Tally, Karen 2004:22, 25

Talnor, Trudy 2004:23

Tam, Nathan 2006:72

Tamm, Merike 2016:98

Tanager, Hepatic 2006:12

, Scarlet 1971:68, 1971:103, 1972:2, 1972:37, 1972:67, 1972:101, 1972:115, 1973:72, 1973:89, 1973:110, 1974:86, 1974:98, 1975:72, 1975:84, 1976:7, 1976:60, 1977:16, 1977:88, 1978:19, 1978:72, 1978:74, 1978:76, 1979:94, 1980:12, 1980:25, 1980:33, 1980:117, 1981:3, 1981:4, 1981:23, 1981:62, 1981:63, 1982:19, 1982:25, 1982:122, 1983:14, 1983:32, 1983:37, 1984:25, 1985:5, 1985:26, 1985:101, 1985:105, 1986:27, 1987:82, 1988:50, 1988:69, 1988:95, 1989:77, 1990:28, 1990:48, 1990:70, 1991:65, 1992:15, 1992:44, 1992:69, 1993:25, 1993:46, 1994:107, 1995:81, 1996:165, 1997:76, 1998:15, 19, 1999:17, 19, 1999:50, 1999:190, 2000:31, 2000:158, 2001:43, 2001:126, 2002:12, 2002:45, 47, 2002:127, 2003:30, 2003:37, 51, 2003:91, 2003:139, 2004:34, 2004:65, 74, 2004:127, 141, 2004:156, 2005:23, 2005:85, 2005:101, 2005:144, 2005:151, 158, 2006:55, 2006:86, 2007:73, 2007:123, 2007:137, 2008:19, 2008:72, 75, 92, 2008:124, 2009:102, 2010:9, 2010:70, 2010:75, 2010:115, 2011:28, 2011:34, 2011:54, 2011:114, 2012:15, 2012:94, 2012:104, 2013:130, 2013:136, 2013:142, 2014:45, 2014:86, 2014:148, 2015:6, 2015:10, 2015:82, 2015:84, 2015:106, 2015:138, 2015:152–153, 2015:168, 2016:6, 2016:11, 2016:49, 2016:102, 2016:134

, Summer 1971:103, 1972:2, 1972:37, 1972:101, 1973:16, 1973:35–39, 1973:40–42, 1976:7, 1976:60, 1976:91, 1977:36, 1977:39, 1978:47, 1978:50, 1978:64, 1978:72, 1978:73, 1978:74, 1978:75, 1978:76, 1979:18, 1979:42, 1979:50, 1979:94, 1980:12, 1980:67, 1981:62, 1981:63, 1981:82, 1982:34, 1982:36, 1982:91, 1982:99, 1982:101, 1982:102, 1983:56, 1983:92, 1984:9, 1984:62, 1985:5, 1985:37, 1985:57–65, 1986:27, 1986:130, 1987:36, 1987:73, 1987:93, 96, 1990:28, 1990:95, 1993:85, 1998:12, 14–15, 1998:78, 1999:16, 21, 2000:5, 2001:81, 2001:121, 2001:125, 2002:127, 2003:30, 2003:51, 2003:91, 2003:139, 2004:34, 2004:74, 2004:94, 2004:127, 141, 2004:156, 2005:23, 2005:84, 2005:100, 2005:144, 2005:148, 158, 2006:55, 2006:69, 86, 2006:106, 2007:50, 2007:73, 2007:123, 2008:19, 2008:37, 2008:66, 2008:92, 2008:124, 2009:71, 2009:102, 2009:129, 2010:9, 2010:32, 2010:66, 2010:75, 2011:3, 2011:28, 2011:33, 2011:76, 2011:114, 2012:15, 2012:37, 2012:64, 2012:94, 2012:104, 2013:65, 2013:107, 2013:130, 2013:142, 2014:45, 2014:78, 2014:86, 2014:148, 2015:10, 2015:84, 2015:106, 2015:168, 2016:11, 2016:94, 2016:102, 2016:134

, Western 1971:34, 1971:59, 1972:67, 1972:115, 1973:17, 1973:110, 1974:48, 1975:28, 1977:55, 1977:72, 1978:47, 1978:49, 1979:42, 1979:86, 1979:90, 1979:101, 1980:67, 1981:82, 1981:109, 1982:54, 1982:91, 1982:122, 1983:82, 1983:112, 1984:62, 1984:102, 1985:83, 1986:130, 1987:23, 1988:24, 1988:50, 1989:25, 1989:103, 1991:101, 1992:91, 1993:21, 1993:62, 1993:69, 1993:107, 1994:30, 1994:136, 1995:37, 1995:81, 1995:109, 1995:179, 1996:78, 1996:126, 1996:166, 1997:66, 1997:230, 1998:166, 1998:198, 1999:152, 2000:158, 2001:121, 2002:103, 2003:30, 2003:73, 2003:121, 2004:58, 2004:94, 2004:123, 2005:85, 2005:119, 2006:55, 2006:106, 2007:26, 2007:50, 2007:94, 2008:66, 2008:115, 2009:28, 2009:72, 2009:106, 2010:66, 2010:96, 2011:54, 2011:76, 2012:64, 2012:114, 2013:2, 2013:65, 2014:79, 2014:86, 2014:114, 2015:21, 2015:106, 2015:139, 2016:22, 2016:122

Tanglewood Park, 1999:152, 2008:110, 113–114, 2008:140, 2009:25, 2009:75, 2009:119, 2009:159, 2010:87, 2010:91, 2010:93, 2011:42, 2012:36, 2013:147, 2014:22–23, 2014:109, 2014:114

Tangwar, Joan 2010:69

Tar River, 2014:33, 2014:110, 2015:130, 2015:136, 2016:119

, NC 1988:85, 1992:43, 1994:66, 1997:183, 2003:152

Tar River Reservoir, 2014:99

, NC 1979:38, 1979:39

Tarbet, Don D. 1982:80–81

Tarboro, 1974:71

, NC 1989:45, 1992:65, 1993:80, 1994:61, 2014:28, 2014:67, 2014:78, 2015:106

Tarpley Mill, 1997:186

Tarpon Springs, FL 2002:91

Tarr, Bryant 1985:1–14

, Nathan 2011:17

Tate, James, Jr. 1974:83–87

, Randy 2013:87

Tattler, Wandering 2009:3

Tatum, Edith 1997:64, 2001:79, 2004:20–21, 2004:132, 2005:134, 2006:69, 2007:25–26, 2007:105, 2008:24, 2008:79, 2009:89, 2011:16, 2011:102, 2012:76, 2013:114, 2013:157, 2014:22, 2014:131, 2015:151

, SC 1980:22

Taylor, Anne-Marie and Bob 2016:106

, Barrie 2012:66, 2013:102, 2014:120, 2015:142

, Bob 2003:37

, Cary 2003:39

, Jeff 2007:62

, John W., drawing by 1981:9

, Kathleen 2012:66

, Kristen 2007:62, 2008:13, 2012:96

, Kristin 2010:69, 2013:134, 2015:81, 2016:2, 2016:98, 2016:126

, Roger 2004:7

, Susan 2003:39

, Tim 2015:81

, Tina 2003:131, 2004:148

Taylorsville, NC 1984:63

Teague, Judy 2002:97, 2004:20, 2004:130–131, 2005:132, 134, 2006:69–70, 2007:103–105, 2008:77–78, 2009:87, 2009:88, 2009:89

Teal, "Common" 2010:83, 2012:51

, "Common" Green-winged 1985:81, 2008:53

, Baikal 1980:60, 1984:87, 1990:54, 2000:94

, Blue-winged 1971:82, 1971:93, 1972:31–32, 1972:34, 1972:112, 1973:19, 1973:86, 1974:15, 1974:40, 1974:91, 1975:20, 1975:23, 1975:95, 1976:71, 1976:87, 1977:52, 1978:4, 1980:14, 1980:22, 1980:84, 1981:20, 1982:88, 1983:27, 1983:77, 1983:106, 1984:53, 1984:77, 1985:23, 1987:79, 1987:110, 1988:19, 1990:43, 1991:13, 1992:9, 1994:23, 1997:19, 1997:224, 1998:12, 14–15, 1998:102–103, 1998:190, 1999:50–52, 1999:146, 2001:115, 2002:67, 2003:19, 2003:38, 43, 2003:63, 2003:84, 2003:133, 2003:151, 2004:27, 2004:67, 2004:85, 2004:144, 147, 150, 2005:2, 2005:94, 2005:132, 137, 2005:148, 152, 2006:62, 65, 75, 2006:125, 2007:63, 2007:84, 2007:110, 2008:14, 2008:84, 2008:120, 2009:94, 2009:155, 2010:7, 2010:70, 2010:72, 2011:21, 2011:107, 2012:12, 2012:85, 2012:101, 2012:129, 2013:18, 2013:116–117, 2013:121, 2013:137–138, 2014:82, 2014:127, 2014:138, 2015:4, 2015:6, 2015:59, 2015:82, 2015:148, 2015:151, 2015:153, 2015:156, 2015:159, 2015:175, 2016:4, 2016:7, 2016:100, 2016:128, 2016:130–131, 2016:139

, Blue-winged X Cinnamon 1983:51

, Cinnamon 1975:91, 1984:88, 1985:16, 1988:43, 1988:77–78, 1995:90, 1995:102, 1995:173, 1996:69, 1996:137, 1996:159, 1997:58, 1997:207, 1997:224, 1998:129, 1998:161, 1998:190, 1999:90, 2000:96, 2001:115, 2001:148, 2002:96, 2004:45, 2006:37, 2007:37, 2013:46, 2014:82

, Cinnamon x Blue-winged 2011:123, 2013:46

, Common 1971:22, 1972:21, 1972:34, 1972:65, 1973:15, 1973:45–46, 1973:53

, Eurasian 2015:91

, Falcated 1980:60, 1984:87, 1990:55

, Garganey 1984:87

, Green-winged 1971:93, 1972:34, 1972:112, 1973:30, 1973:45–46, 1973:53, 1974:26, 1976:18, 1977:39, 1978:4, 1983:61, 1983:62, 1983:106, 1992:39, 1994:103, 1996:69, 1997:122, 1997:207, 1998:42, 1999:146, 1999:171, 2000:153, 2003:82, 84, 2003:130, 133, 2004:63, 67, 2005:2, 2005:147–148, 152, 2008:139, 2009:155, 2010:83, 2011:21, 2012:51, 2013:18, 2014:41, 2014:43, 2014:82, 2015:35, 2015:91, 2016:7, 2016:100, 2016:105

, Green-winged (Common) 1981:79

, Green-winged, "Common" 1987:52, 1989:16, 1990:22, 1992:9, 1993:15, 1994:23, 1994:89, 1995:173, 1996:159, 1997:224, 1999:146, 2000:95–96, 2000:102, 2003:113, 2007:37

Teale, Edwin Way 1986:71

Tedards, Adair 1981:8, 1981:11

, Adair M. 1975:19, 1982:40

Teer, Louis 2014:107, 2015:94, 2016:28, 2016:42

Tekin, Brenda 2001:151

Temple, Don 2003:61, 2004:84

Ten Eyck, Ben 2000:27

tenacity, nest-site 1990:33–35

Tenbrink, Craig 2005:136

TenBrink, Craig 2008:61

Tenbrink, Craig 2009:92

Tennessee, 1990:14–16, 1998:141, 1998:170

, (Big Bald Mountain) 1983:53

, (Unicoi Mountains) 1983:33–40

, Atlas of the Breeding Birds of 1998:170

teratorn, 1982:111

Terborgh, John 2001:117, 2007:84

Tern, Arctic 1979:2, 1979:8, 1980:49, 1980:60, 1980:69, 1980:92, 1980:94, 1981:54, 1983:109, 1984:51, 1984:52, 1985:24, 1986:25, 1986:128, 1987:113, 1988:92, 1989:48, 1989:100, 1990:46, 1990:76, 1990:93, 1991:39, 1991:98, 1992:37, 41, 1993:59, 1993:82, 1994:64, 1994:90–91, 1994:134, 1995:78, 1995:149, 1996:74, 1997:62, 1997:125, 1997:285, 1998:58, 1998:72, 1998:134, 1998:194, 1999:97, 1999:187, 2000:155, 2001:41, 2001:152, 2002:87, 2002:111, 2003:118, 2004:52, 2004:120, 2004:171, 2005:36, 2005:116, 2005:169, 2007:90, 2009:122, 2010:40–43, 2010:90, 2011:147, 2012:8, 2012:111, 2013:2, 2013:91, 2013:154, 2014:84, 2014:107, 2015:135, 2016:13, 2016:118

, Black 1971:33, 1971:81, 1971:86, 1971:97, 1972:96, 1972:114, 1973:31, 1973:87, 1973:109, 1974:28, 1974:97, 1975:26, 1975:97, 1976:20, 1976:50, 1976:66, 1976:85, 1977:54, 1978:4, 1978:18, 1978:75, 1979:40, 1979:57, 1979:99, 1980:24, 1980:49, 1980:92, 1980:97, 1980:116, 1981:22, 1981:51, 1982:23, 1982:51, 1982:120, 1983:54, 1983:109, 1985:25, 1986:25, 1986:118, 1986:128, 1989:74, 1989:100, 1990:46, 1990:68, 1990:76, 1991:63, 1991:98, 1992:89, 1993:82, 1994:64, 1994:106, 1994:134, 1995:78, 1995:106, 1995:153, 1996:122, 1997:29, 1997:62, 1997:125, 1997:213, 1997:276, 1997:285, 1998:76, 1998:103, 1998:134, 1998:194, 1999:21, 1999:40, 1999:49, 52, 1999:97, 2000:73, 2001:77, 2002:72, 2003:25, 2003:153, 2004:53, 2004:65, 70, 2004:171, 2005:53, 2005:90–91, 97, 2005:147, 149, 155, 2005:169, 2006:29, 2006:101, 2006:130, 2007:21, 2007:68, 2008:31, 2008:83, 87, 2008:112, 2009:21, 2009:122, 2010:27, 2010:70, 2010:73, 2010:89, 2010:111, 2012:29, 2012:102, 2012:136, 2013:137, 2013:140, 2013:154, 2014:84, 2014:165, 2015:6, 2015:8, 2015:46, 2016:6, 2016:9, 2016:38, 2016:117–118, 2016:130

, Bridled 1973:23, 1973:87, 1973:109, 1974:28, 1976:50, 1976:95, 1977:1, 1978:38, 1979:1, 1980:21, 1980:69, 1980:No. 4 cover, 1980:92, 1980:93, 1980:95, 1981:24, 1981:54, 1982:47, 1982:120, 1984:18, 1984:23, 1984:40, 1984:51, 1984:52, 1984:59, 1984:100, 1985:24, 1985:52, 1985:83, 1986:45, 1988:92, 1989:100, 1990:68, 1990:76, 1990:93, 1991:98, 1992:37, 1992:89, 1993:105, 1994:59, 1995:78, 1995:150, 1996:74, 1996:122, 1997:213, 220, 1998:58, 1998:72, 1998:134, 1998:194, 1999:40, 1999:86, 1999:97, 1999:149, 2000:73, 2000:156, 2001:41, 2001:77, 2001:152, 2002:72, 2002:116, 2003:25, 2003:118, 2004:53, 2004:121, 2005:53, 2005:116, 2005:147, 149, 155, 2005:169, 2006:21, 28, 2006:129, 2007:21, 2009:21, 2009:122, 2010:89, 2012:29, 2014:84, 2014:165, 2015:134

, Brown Noddy 1979:81

, Caspian 1971:39–41, 1971:86, 1972:22, 1972:36, 1972:96, 1973:31, 1973:74, 1974:13, 1974:28, 1974:63, 1974:64, 1974:80, 1974:97, 1975:26, 1975:84, 1975:97, 1976:14, 1976:34, 1976:36, 1976:66, 1976:86, 1976:103, 1977:54, 1977:89, 1977:90, 1977:100, 1978:4, 1978:38, 1978:64, 1979:23, 1979:40, 1979:99, 1980:24, 1980:49, 1980:97, 1980:116, 1981:4, 1981:22, 1981:51, 1981:107, 1982:51, 1982:90, 1983:30, 1983:80, 1983:109, 1984:22, 1984:58, 1984:81, 1984:99, 1985:24, 1985:83, 1986:128, 1987:54, 1987:80, 1987:112, 1988:47, 1988:67, 1989:48, 1989:74, 1989:100, 1990:45, 1990:75, 1990:93, 1991:62, 1991:97–98, 1992:41, 1993:81, 1994:16, 1994:133, 1995:152, 1996:74, 1997:75, 1997:220, 1997:257, 1997:284, 1998:44, 1998:194, 1999:39, 1999:50, 1999:131, 2000:105, 2000:155, 2001:77, 2001:152, 2002:32, 2002:46, 2002:72, 2002:100, 2002:110, 2002:127, 2002:153, 2003:25, 2003:37–38, 45, 2003:86, 2003:118, 2003:135, 2003:153, 2004:20, 29, 2004:52, 2004:70, 2004:120, 2004:137, 2004:146, 153, 2005:8, 2005:53, 2005:97, 2005:116, 2005:134, 140, 2005:155, 2005:169, 2006:28, 2006:67, 79, 2006:101, 2006:130, 2007:21, 2007:68, 2007:115, 2008:15, 2008:31, 2008:75, 87, 2008:112, 2008:122, 2008:141, 2009:97, 2009:122, 2009:161, 2010:27, 2010:71, 2010:89, 2011:23, 2011:110, 2012:88, 2012:102, 2013:108–110, 2013:124, 2013:140, 2014:70, 2014:84, 2014:107, 2014:142, 2015:8, 2015:46, 2015:135, 2015:162, 2016:9, 2016:38, 2016:118, 2016:132, 2016:141

, Common 1971:86, 1971:97, 1972:35, 1972:83, 1972:95, 1973:15, 1973:31, 1973:73, 1973:87, 1974:13, 1974:28, 1974:79, 1975:10, 1975:20, 1975:26, 1975:84, 1975:97, 1976:14, 1976:20, 1976:49, 1976:103, 1977:37, 1977:38, 1977:54, 1977:100, 1978:4, 1978:18, 1978:49, 1979:40, 1979:57, 1979:99, 1980:23, 1980:49, 1980:92, 1980:97, 1981:51, 1981:54, 1981:73, 1981:81, 1981:107, 1982:51, 1982:120, 1983:30, 1983:54, 1983:61–62, 1983:109, 1984:22, 1984:58, 1984:100, 1985:104, 1986:25, 1986:45–46, 1986:128, 1987:54, 1988:47, 1988:91, 1989:74, 1989:100, 1990:46, 1990:75, 1991:98, 1992:89, 1994:59, 1995:78, 1995:153, 1996:74, 1996:121, 1997:213, 1997:235, 256, 1997:285, 1999:40, 1999:126, 2000:30, 2000:73, 2001:77, 2002:72, 2002:100, 2003:38, 46, 2003:118, 2003:128, 135, 2004:52, 2004:62, 64, 70, 2004:126, 137, 2005:140, 2005:147, 149, 155, 2006:62, 79, 2006:101, 2007:21, 2007:68, 2007:90, 2007:115, 2007:136, 2008:15, 2008:31, 2008:44–45, 2008:81, 87, 2008:112, 2009:22, 2009:97, 2009:161, 2010:28, 2010:59, 2010:73, 2011:24, 2011:46, 2011:110, 2012:29, 2012:59, 2012:88, 2012:102, 2013:26, 2013:92, 2013:118, 2013:124, 2013:137, 2014:84, 2014:133, 2014:142, 2015:6, 2015:8, 2015:46, 2015:135, 2015:157–158, 2015:162, 2016:6, 2016:9, 2016:38–39, 2016:128, 2016:132

, Forster's 1971:30, 1971:32, 1971:97, 1972:35, 1972:95, 1972:114, 1973:31, 1974:24, 1974:28, 1974:65, 1974:79, 1975:62, 1975:97, 1976:49, 1976:90, 1977:100, 1978:4, 1978:37, 1978:64, 1978:71, 1979:23, 1979:40, 1979:57, 1979:72, 1979:99, 1980:23, 1980:39, 1980:49, 1980:87, 1980:97, 1981:5, 1981:51, 1982:23, 1982:51, 1982:120, 1983:61, 1983:109, 1984:22, 1984:58, 1984:100, 1985:52, 1985:104, 1986:25, 1987:54, 1987:113, 1988:15, 1988:47, 1988:67, 1988:92, 1989:74, 1990:25, 1990:46, 1990:68, 1990:76, 1990:93, 1991:39, 1991:62, 1991:98, 1992:12, 1992:89, 1993:82, 1993:89, 1994:27, 1995:34, 1995:153, 1996:74, 1996:121, 1997:213, 220, 1997:235, 257, 1997:285, 1998:194, 2000:30, 2000:73, 2000:156, 2001:41, 2001:77, 2001:152, 2002:111, 2002:153, 2003:25, 2003:37, 46, 2003:67, 2003:86, 2003:118, 2003:135, 2004:20, 29, 2004:52, 2004:70, 2004:126, 137, 2004:153, 2004:171, 2005:53, 2005:97, 2005:140, 2005:155, 2006:28, 2006:67, 79, 2006:101, 2007:21, 2007:68, 2007:90, 2007:115, 2008:15, 2008:31, 2008:82, 87, 2008:112, 2008:122, 2009:97, 2010:58, 2010:73, 2011:24, 2011:46, 2011:110, 2012:13, 2012:88, 2012:102, 2013:27, 2013:113, 2013:124, 2013:140, 2014:84, 2014:134, 2014:142, 2016:9, 2016:38–39, 2016:132

, Forster?s 2015:4–5, 2015:8, 2015:135, 2015:155, 2015:158, 2015:163

, Gull-billed 1971:39, 1973:87, 1975:11, 1975:20, 1975:26, 1976:20, 1977:39, 1978:4, 1978:47, 1978:49, 1978:50, 1980:87, 1981:51, 1982:90, 1983:29, 1983:54, 1984:22, 1986:103, 1991:62, 1993:59, 1995:152, 1997:235, 253, 1998:76, 1999:96, 1999:149, 2002:117, 2002:153, 2003:38, 45, 2003:81, 86, 2003:130, 135, 2004:70, 2004:153, 2005:32, 2005:52, 2005:155, 2006:62, 74, 79, 2007:68, 2008:112, 2008:122, 2008:141, 2010:27, 2010:73, 2012:29, 2012:102, 2013:26, 2013:118, 2013:124, 2013:136, 2013:140, 2014:84, 2014:142, 2014:165, 2015:8, 2015:134, 2015:157, 2015:162, 2016:5, 2016:9, 2016:118, 2016:128, 2016:132

, Least 1971:97, 1972:22, 1973:17, 1973:54, 1974:72, 1975:82, 1975:83, 1976:20, 1976:No. 3 cover, 1976:72, 1978:4, 1978:64, 1979:40, 1980:49, 1980:97, 1981:2, 1982:120, 1983:30, 1985:52, 1985:70, 1986:12–13, 1986:103, 1989:74, 1989:81–87, 1990:20, 1990:76, 1990:93, 1991:98, 1992:41, 1993:59, 1993:105, 1994:56, 1994:105, 1994:123, 1995:41, 1995:153, 1996:74, 1996:122, 1997:29, 1997:62, 1997:124, 1997:250, 258, 1997:285, 1998:44, 1999:9, 1999:97, 1999:170, 2000:73, 2001:152, 2002:23, 2002:153, 2003:46, 2003:80, 86, 2003:118, 2003:131, 135, 2004:120, 2004:126, 137, 2004:153, 2005:89, 97, 2005:130, 136, 140, 2005:155, 2006:62, 79, 2006:101, 2006:130, 2007:21, 2007:68, 2007:115, 2008:15, 2008:83, 87, 2008:122, 2009:97, 2010:73, 2010:111, 2011:23, 2011:110, 2011:157, 2012:29, 2012:88, 2012:102, 2012:136, 2013:118, 2013:124, 2013:140, 2014:84, 2014:135, 2014:142, 2014:165, 2015:8, 2015:134, 2015:157, 2015:162, 2015:182, 2016:9, 2016:128, 2016:132

, Roseate 1973:31, 1974:97, 1975:20, 1975:82, 1975:84, 1977:87, 1977:88, 1978:45, 1980:23, 1980:49, 1980:69, 1980:92, 1980:94, 1980:116, 1982:23, 1982:51, 1983:54, 1984:22, 1985:24, 1986:128, 1988:67, 1988:91, 1989:74, 1989:100, 1990:46, 1990:68, 1990:93, 1991:62, 1991:98, 1992:37, 41, 1992:66, 1992:89, 1993:59, 1993:81, 1994:64, 1994:105, 1994:134, 1995:78, 1995:106, 1995:152, 1996:74, 1997:101, 1997:125, 1997:213, 1997:285, 1998:194, 1999:115, 2000:30, 2000:155, 2001:77, 2002:111, 2002:117, 2003:118, 2003:153, 2004:171, 2006:101, 2007:90, 2007:136, 2009:122, 2010:28, 2011:131, 2011:157, 2012:136, 2013:91, 2014:28, 2014:84, 2016:38, 2016:141

, Royal 1971:23, 1971:No. 3 cover photo, 1971:64–66, 1972:36, 1976:14, 1976:37, 1978:4, 1984:36, 1986:25, 1986:53, 1987:113, 1989:100, 1990:75, 1995:152, 1996:74, 1997:124, 1997:213, 220, 1997:235, 253, 1997:284, 1999:96, 2000:73, 2003:46, 2003:86, 2003:135, 2004:52, 2004:70, 2004:126, 137, 2004:153, 2005:53, 2005:91, 97, 2005:116, 2005:130, 140, 2005:155, 2006:62, 79, 2007:21, 2007:68, 2007:115, 2008:15, 2008:83, 87, 2008:122, 2009:97, 2010:73, 2010:112, 2011:24, 2011:110, 2012:29, 2012:88, 2012:102, 2013:118, 2013:125, 2013:140, 2013:154, 2014:84, 2014:135, 2014:142, 2014:165, 2015:4, 2015:8, 2015:157–158, 2015:163, 2016:9, 2016:128–129, 2016:132

, Royal (aspergillosis in) 1974:24

, Sandwich 1971:33, 1972:22, 1972:36, 1974:24, 1975:10, 1976:50, 1976:72, 1976:103, 1978:47, 1978:49, 1980:97, 1982:42, 1984:37, 1984:58, 1985:52, 1987:113, 1988:91, 1990:75, 1991:17, 1992:12, 1995:152, 1997:220, 1997:235, 254, 1997:265, 1999:96, 1999:169, 2000:73, 2001:118, 2002:100, 2003:25, 2003:135, 2004:52, 2004:70, 2004:144, 146, 153, 2005:81, 2005:140, 2005:147, 149, 155, 2006:28, 2006:62, 79, 2007:22, 2007:68, 2007:115, 2008:16, 2008:60, 2008:83, 87, 2008:122, 2009:97, 2010:59, 2010:73, 2010:112, 2011:24, 2011:110, 2012:29, 2012:59, 2012:88, 2012:102, 2013:92, 2013:118, 2013:125, 2013:140, 2014:28, 2014:70, 2014:84, 2014:107, 2014:135, 2014:142, 2014:165, 2015:8, 2015:46, 2015:100, 2015:135, 2015:157–158, 2015:163, 2016:6, 2016:9, 2016:39, 2016:86, 2016:128, 2016:130, 2016:132

, Sandwich, "Cayenne" 1990:93, 1995:105, 1996:74, 1996:138, 1997:267, 2003:153

, Sooty 1972:36, 1972:114, 1973:109, 1975:26, 1976:50, 1977:1, 1977:15, 1978:18, 1978:37, 1979:23, 1979:99, 1980:21, 1980:24, 1980:49, 1980:60, 1980:69, 1980:89, 1980:92, 1980:93, 1980:94, 1980:95, 1981:24, 1981:51, 1982:23, 1983:109, 1984:23, 1984:51, 1984:59, 1984:No. 3 cover, 1984:73–74, 1986:25, 1986:53, 1986:128, 1987:51, 1987:54, 1987:80, 1987:113, 1988:40, 1988:47, 1988:67, 1988:81–82, 1988:92, 1989:48, 1989:100, 1990:68, 1990:76, 1990:93, 1991:62, 1991:98, 1992:37, 41, 1992:66, 1992:89, 1993:82, 1993:105, 1994:59, 64, 1994:105, 1994:134, 1995:78, 1995:150, 1996:74, 1996:122, 1997:62, 1997:124, 1997:213, 1997:257, 1997:285, 1998:59, 1998:66, 1998:134, 1998:194, 1999:40, 1999:97, 2000:73, 2000:156, 2001:41, 2001:77, 2001:152, 2002:32, 2002:72, 2002:111, 2002:153, 2003:25, 2003:118, 2003:153, 2004:53, 2004:121, 2005:53, 2005:116, 2005:147, 149, 155, 2005:169, 2006:28, 2006:129, 2007:21, 2007:90, 2007:136, 2008:31, 2008:141, 2009:21, 2009:122, 2009:161, 2010:89, 2010:111, 2011:46, 2012:28, 2013:26, 2013:91, 2014:84, 2014:165, 2015:46, 2015:134, 2015:182, 2016:38

, White 2000:19

, White-winged 1992:54, 1995:87, 1996:138, 1997:276, 2002:115–116

Terra Ceia, 2009:111

Terres, John K. 1971:14

Tessaglia-Hymes, Chris 2005:82

Test, Frederick H. 1984:50

Teulings, Elizabeth 1973:40–42

, Elizabeth (photo by) 1972:61

, Elizabeth P. 1975:91, 1976:69

, Robert P. 1974:89, 1975:91, 1976:69, 1978:88

, Robert P. (Bob) 1986:83, 87

, Robert P. (Bob) (photo of) 1986:84

Texas, 2001:142

The Straits, 2014:26, 2014:28

Theye, Shelley 2001:149, 156, 2002:33–34, 2003:120, 2004:20, 23, 2004:54, 2005:58, 2005:132–134, 2006:69, 2007:87–88, 2007:103, 2008:31, 2008:77, 2009:69, 2009:87, 2011:14, 2011:99, 2012:76, 2013:98, 2013:112, 2015:151

Thickety Creek Lake, SC 1996:78

Thielen, John 2009:86, 2011:13

, Johnathan 2005:131, 2006:68, 2008:76

, Jonathan 2013:110

Thigpen, Doug 2012:108

Thomas, Barbara 1997:65, 2001:79, 2002:66, 2004:119, 2005:50, 2008:13, 2008:139, 2015:132

, Bill 2009:79, 2011:91, 2012:66, 2013:102, 2015:142

, Charlie 2005:85, 2013:87, 2013:97

, Cora Anne 2008:74

, Earl 2008:79

, Erik 2000:31, 2002:71, 2004:25, 2005:46, 50, 2005:111, 2005:135–136, 2005:168, 2006:73, 2006:96, 2007:49, 2007:109, 2008:28, 2008:82, 2009:68, 2009:90, 2009:92, 2011:17, 2011:19, 2011:103, 2011:105, 2012:82, 2013:117–118, 2014:134, 2016:85

, Erik R. 2015:157

, John 2004:42–43

, Marty 2014:102

, Paul A. 2012:77

, Shirl 2004:128, 2005:127, 2009:79, 2011:7, 2012:66, 2013:102

, Stephen 1998:189, 2002:31, 2002:66, 2002:104, 2002:149, 2003:150, 2004:119, 2005:50, 2005:168, 2006:22, 2006:94, 2008:54, 60, 2008:110, 115, 2009:14, 2009:15, 2009:26, 2009:27, 2009:28, 2009:76, 2009:117, 2010:18, 2010:19, 2010:53, 2010:96, 2011:43, 2011:47, 2011:53, 2012:20, 2012:30, 2012:35, 2012:36, 2012:51, 2012:54, 2012:55, 2012:61, 2013:18, 2016:38

, Stephen & Barbara 2012:59

, Steve 1997:65, 2001:79, 2006:131, 2008:13, 2008:24, 28, 2008:139, 2014:25, 2014:32, 2014:95, 2015:96, 2015:107, 2015:132, 2016:21

, Tina 2014:102

Thomasboro, NC 1995:81

Thompson, Chuck 2007:101, 2008:76, 2009:84, 2009:85, 2011:12, 2011:98, 2012:74, 2014:125, 2014:127

, Chuck and Cindy 2013:109, 2015:149

, Cindy 2004:129, 2005:130, 2007:101, 2008:76, 2009:84, 2009:85, 2011:12, 2011:98, 2012:74, 2014:127

, Cindy and Chuck 2011:96

, Cynthia 2006:67

, Fred 1997:52, 1997:261, 2002:103

, Joel 2012:98, 2016:4–5, 2016:127, 2016:129

, Joel F. 2010:70

, Karen E. N. 2010:70

, M. 2001:144

, Murray 2003:30

, Murry 2015:3, 2015:5

, Sabrina 2006:72

, Simon 1993:63, 1995:94, 1997:58, 60–68, 1997:120–121, 123, 125–128, 1997:204, 208, 210–212, 214–219, 1997:225–226, 231, 1997:279, 281–283, 286–291, 1998:45, 1998:128, 130–133, 135–139, 1998:168, 1998:189–193, 197, 199, 1999:36, 40, 1999:88, 91, 100, 1999:147, 1999:185, 188–189, 2000:31, 2000:67, 71, 75–77, 2000:106, 108–109, 2000:158–160, 2001:39–40, 42–43, 2001:73, 76, 2001:116–117, 2001:146, 148, 152–153, 2002:34, 2002:71, 77–78, 2002:108, 113, 2002:153–155, 2003:1, 2003:23, 29–31, 2003:73–74, 2003:113–114, 118, 2003:152, 154–155, 2004:22, 2004:55, 57, 2004:88, 93, 96, 2004:124, 2004:172, 2005:33, 2005:55–56, 59, 2005:76, 83, 2005:110, 116, 118–119, 122, 2005:168, 170–171, 2006:32–33, 2006:47, 53, 55, 57, 2006:99, 107, 2006:131, 2007:17–18, 25, 2007:88–90, 93–95, 2007:99, 2007:134–136, 2008:26, 35, 2008:55, 62, 2008:74, 2008:116, 2009:26, 2009:27, 2009:29, 2009:30, 2009:59, 2009:67, 2009:81, 2009:82, 2009:125, 2009:126, 2009:131, 2010:27, 2010:83, 2010:114, 2012:23, 2012:24, 2012:26, 2012:30, 2012:32, 2013:7, 2013:23, 2013:25, 2013:33, 2013:88–89, 2013:94, 2014:32, 2014:35, 2014:37, 2014:67, 2014:71, 2014:103, 2014:123, 2014:160, 2014:162–163, 2014:167–168, 2014:171, 2015:38, 2015:40, 2015:43–46, 2015:48–53, 2015:56, 2015:59, 2015:88–89, 2015:103, 2015:136–139, 2015:183, 2016:19, 2016:32–33, 2016:35, 2016:47, 2016:75, 2016:92–93, 2016:123, 2016:145–146, 2016:148, :Piephoff, Z. Taylor, et al.

, Simon R.B. 1998:117, 123, 1999:69, 77, 2001:83–84, 2002:85

, Tonita 2015:1, 2015:80

, Wallace Mark 1972:64

, Zach 2009:14, 2009:18

Thorington, Catherine 2011:96

, Katharine 2007:101

, Katherine 2011:12, 2011:98, 2012:74, 2016:91

Thornton, Andrew 2011:130, 2012:32, 2012:34, 2012:37, 2012:38, 2012:63, 2012:71, 2012:112, 2013:17, 2013:20, 2013:26–27, 2013:29, 2013:32, 2013:34–35, 2013:47, 2013:60, 2013:68, 2014:30, 2014:58, 2014:111, 2014:160, 2014:167, 2015:36–37, 2015:57, 2015:92–93, 2015:104, 2015:130, 2016:35, 2016:38, 2016:42–44, 2016:49, 2016:74, 2016:77, 2016:108–109, 2016:117, 2016:121

, Barry 2014:71

, John 2016:146

Thorpe, Danny 2004:85

, Dick 2003:131

, Lois 2003:131

Thorsell, Dick 1997:58, 2004:128, 2005:127, 2007:21

Thrasher, Brown 1971:99, 1972:2, 1972:100, 1973:19, 1973:96, 1973:107, 1974:85, 1976:3, 1976:4, 1976:58, 1978:68, 1978:72, 1978:73, 1978:74, 1978:75, 1978:76, 1979:50, 1980:10, 1980:33, 1981:72, 1981:93–95, 1981:103, 1982:19, 1982:20, 1982:34, 1982:40, 1983:35, 1983:36, 1983:91, 1984:10, 1984:50, 1984:69, 1984:72, 1985:5, 12, 1985:20–21, 1985:36, 1986:11, 1987:36, 1987:92, 1991:10, 1992:4, 1992:6, 1992:43, 1997:215, 1998:18, 23, 1999:41, 2000:43, 2000:125, 2001:68, 2001:125, 2002:8, 2002:131, 2003:28, 2003:49, 2003:89, 2003:126, 138, 2004:20, 33, 2004:73, 2004:139, 2004:155, 2005:18, 2005:89, 99, 2005:143, 2005:151, 158, 2006:84, 2007:71, 2007:121, 2008:17, 2008:91, 2008:123, 2009:100, 2010:9, 2010:74, 2010:114, 2011:26, 2011:33, 2011:112, 2011:159, 2012:14, 2012:92, 2012:103, 2013:112, 2013:128, 2013:141, 2014:45, 2014:85, 2014:145, 2015:9, 2015:84, 2015:143, 2015:166, 2016:10, 2016:101, 2016:133

, Brown (drawing) 1992:7

, Sage 1974:92, 1977:49, 2016:15, 2016:45

Threatte, Charlie 2009:79, 2012:66, 2014:120

, Charlie and Linda 2011:7, 2011:91, 2013:102, 2015:142

, Linda 2009:79, 2014:120

Thrush, Bicknell's 1995:1, 1997:18, 1997:64, 1997:103, 1997:215, 1997:264, 1999:3, 2001:94, 2002:6, 2003:3–4, 2004:122, 2005:17, 2005:32, 2009:25, 2012:33, 2014:32, 2014:85

, Gray-cheeked 1971:100, 1973:73, 1976:4, 1976:50, 1976:58, 1976:90, 1978:68, 1979:31, 1980:116, 1981:108, 1983:46, 1983:110, 1984:101, 1985:53, 1989:49, 1990:27, 1993:61, 1994:15, 1994:135, 1995:1, 1995:107, 1996:124, 1996:144, 1997:12, 18, 1997:30, 1997:64, 1997:264, 1997:287, 1998:15, 1998:103–104, 1998:196, 1999:3, 1999:98, 1999:126, 1999:169–170, 2000:75, 2002:33, 2002:75, 2002:112, 2002:127, 2003:3, 2003:28, 2003:89, 2003:131, 137, 2004:23, 32, 2004:56, 2004:62, 65, 73, 2004:122, 2004:139, 2005:17, 2005:57, 2005:89, 91, 99, 2005:129, 143, 2005:147, 149, 157, 2006:61–62, 70, 83, 2007:71, 2007:93, 2007:120, 2008:36, 2008:82, 90, 2009:100, 2010:9, 2011:33, 2011:50, 2011:112, 2012:91, 2013:115, 2013:128, 2013:137, 2013:141, 2014:45, 2014:85, 2014:130, 2014:145, 2015:50, 2015:84, 2015:155–156, 2015:166, 2016:101, 2016:133

, Hermit 1971:100, 1974:95, 1975:86, 1976:3, 1976:4, 1976:41, 1976:58, 1976:88, 1977:37, 1977:39, 1978:48, 1978:68, 1978:78, 1979:50, 1980:5, 1980:32, 1980:33, 1980:34, 1980:61, 1981:62, 1982:20, 1983:91, 1984:24, 1985:5, 9–10, 1985:91–92, 1986:26, 1990:69, 1993:84, 1994:6, 1995:80, 1996:76, 1998:45, 1998:137, 1999:3, 7–8, 1999:126, 1999:170, 2000:75, 2001:125, 2001:154, 2002:13, 2002:75, 2002:112, 2002:154, 2003:11–13, 2003:79, 89, 2003:120, 2003:131, 137, 2003:154, 2004:19, 32, 2004:56, 2004:63, 73, 2004:139, 2004:155, 2004:172, 2005:17, 2005:57, 2005:143, 2005:147, 149, 157, 2005:170, 2006:64, 66–67, 83, 2006:104, 2007:25, 2007:71, 2007:120, 2008:74–75, 90, 2008:126–132, 2009:100, 2009:163, 2010:9, 2010:74, 2011:26, 2011:112, 2011:137, 2011:159, 2012:14, 2012:91, 2012:138, 2013:104, 2013:107, 2013:109, 2013:128, 2013:156, 2014:45, 2014:85, 2014:110, 2014:124, 2014:128, 2014:133, 2014:145, 2014:168, 2015:9, 2015:84, 2015:137, 2015:145, 2015:148, 2015:166, 2015:183, 2016:10, 2016:101, 2016:128–129, 2016:145

, Hermit (correction) 1985:35

, Swainson's 1971:23, 1971:59, 1971:100, 1972:22, 1973:16, 1973:17, 1974:14, 1974:17, 1974:48, 1974:80, 1975:84, 1975:97, 1976:4, 1976:58, 1976:104, 1977:39, 1978:47, 1978:50, 1978:68, 1979:31, 1979:41, 1979:58, 1979:100, 1980:5, 1980:116, 1980:117, 1981:53, 1981:108, 1983:91, 1985:12, 1989:102, 1990:94, 1991:100, 1992:79, 1993:107, 1994:3, 1994:135, 1995:107, 1996:76, 1996:124, 1997:12, 1997:64, 1997:74–75, 1997:287, 1998:137, 1999:3, 8, 1999:16, 1999:170, 2000:30, 2000:47, 2001:127, 2002:127, 2003:28, 2003:89, 2003:131, 137, 2004:32, 2004:56, 2004:65, 73, 2004:139, 2004:155, 2005:17, 2005:99, 2005:133, 135, 143, 2005:147, 150, 157, 2005:170, 2006:67, 72, 74, 83, 2006:104, 2006:132, 2007:25, 2007:71, 2007:93, 2007:120, 2008:17, 2008:36, 2008:70, 2008:80, 82, 90, 2008:123, 2008:126–132, 2009:100, 2010:9, 2010:74, 2010:114, 2011:26, 2011:33, 2011:112, 2011:159, 2012:14, 2012:91, 2012:103, 2012:138, 2013:31, 2013:106, 2013:110, 2013:128, 2013:156, 2014:5, 2014:45, 2014:75, 2014:85, 2014:110, 2014:124, 2014:130, 2014:133, 2014:145, 2014:168, 2016:10, 2016:45, 2016:101, 2016:133

, Swainson?s 2015:9, 2015:51, 2015:80, 2015:82, 2015:84, 2015:146, 2015:148, 2015:152, 2015:166, 2015:183

, Varied 1992:54, 1993:67, 1995:91, 1996:59, 1996:143, 2005:83, 2006:12, 2006:39, 2007:3, 2007:78–80, 2010:62, 2011:2, 2011:5, 2013:11–15, 2014:6, 2014:85

, Wood 1971:22, 1971:23, 1971:99, 1972:2, 1972:3, 1972:23, 1972:67, 1972:100, 1973:17, 1974:14, 1975:12, 1975:72, 1976:4, 1976:58, 1976:104, 1978:68, 1978:69, 1978:72, 1978:73, 1978:74, 1978:75, 1978:76, 1979:18, 1979:50, 1980:10, 1980:50, 1981:34, 1981:61, 1981:62, 1981:66, 1982:19, 1982:34, 1982:99, 1982:101, 1982:102, 1983:35, 1983:36, 1984:60, 1985:5, 1985:37, 1987:92, 95, 1990:27, 1991:39, 1996:76, 1996:124, 1996:144, 1996:164, 1998:18, 1998:166, 1999:8, 1999:19, 1999:170, 2000:6, 2001:125, 2002:75, 2003:28, 2003:49, 2003:80, 89, 2003:120, 2003:137, 2004:32, 2004:56, 2004:65, 73, 2004:122, 2004:139, 2004:155, 2005:17, 2005:57, 2005:99, 2005:118, 2005:143, 2005:157, 2006:33, 2006:83, 2006:109–16, 2007:25, 2007:71, 2007:120, 2008:17, 2008:36, 2008:72, 90, 2008:123, 2009:25, 2009:100, 2010:9, 2010:71, 2010:74, 2011:26, 2011:33, 2011:90, 2011:112, 2012:14, 2012:92, 2012:103, 2013:101, 2013:104, 2013:107, 2013:109, 2013:112, 2013:115, 2013:128, 2013:137, 2013:141, 2014:45, 2014:85, 2014:120, 2014:125, 2014:145, 2015:9, 2015:51, 2015:84, 2015:141, 2015:148, 2015:153, 2015:166, 2016:10, 2016:45, 2016:99, 2016:101, 2016:129, 2016:133

Thumer, Erika 2012:66

, Noel 2012:66, 2014:120, 2015:142

Thunder Lake, NC 1989:43–44, 46, 1990:23, 26, 1992:8

Thurmer, Noel 2013:102

Thurmond, Gerald 2003:82, 2003:131, 2004:66, 2004:148, 2007:62, 2008:13, 2008:120, 2010:69, 2012:96, 2013:134, 2015:81, 2016:126

, NC 2014:95

Thurmond Chatham Gameland, 2013:99

Thurmond Lake, SC 2015:37

Thurner, Noel 2009:79, 2011:7

Tibwin Plantation, 2013:93, 2016:19, 2016:75

Tice, Patty 2005:135, 2007:107, 2011:18, 2011:104, 2013:57, 2014:29, 2014:72–73, 2015:155

Tickle, Monte 2002:3

Tillery, NC 1983:77, 1983:105, 1990:42

Tillett, Colleen 2014:23

Tillman, SC 1992:68

Timmons, Harry 2004:124, 2005:56

, Pam 2004:20, 2004:130–131, 2005:110, 118, 2005:132, 134, 2006:69–70, 2007:103, 2008:77–78, 2009:87, 2009:88, 2011:99, 2011:101, 2012:76, 2012:77, 2013:112–113, 2014:129–131, 2015:151–153

Tingle, Kelly 2011:19, 2011:105, 2012:83

Tinius, Kathy 2013:27

Tipton, Isabel H. 1980:31

, Samuel A. 1980:31

Titmouse, Tufted 1971:99, 1972:2, 1972:25, 1972:32, 1972:100, 1974:85, 1976:58, 1978:72, 1978:73, 1978:74, 1978:75, 1978:76, 1979:50, 1980:9, 1981:8, 1981:72, 1982:19, 1982:20, 1982:34, 1982:99, 1982:101, 1982:102, 1983:15, 1983:36, 1984:8–9, 1984:70, 1984:72, 1984:75, 1985:4, 1987:35, 1987:92, 95–96, 1997:113, 1997:215, 1998:15, 1999:19, 2000:5, 2000:125, 2000:157, 2001:94, 2001:125, 2002:44, 2003:48, 2003:77, 88, 2003:126, 137, 2004:32, 2004:72, 2004:139, 2004:144, 148, 155, 2005:15, 2005:89, 99, 2005:130, 142, 2005:147–148, 157, 2006:82, 2007:70, 2007:119, 2008:17, 2008:90, 2008:123, 2009:99, 2010:8, 2010:74, 2011:25, 2011:33, 2011:112, 2012:14, 2012:91, 2012:103, 2013:101–102, 2013:127, 2013:141, 2014:45, 2014:85, 2014:120, 2014:122, 2014:144

, Tufted (melanistic?) 1987:103

Todd, Belinda 2012:60

, Les 1997:59, 1997:212, 1997:284, 1998:134, 1998:159, 161–162, 164, 166–167, 1999:90, 94–95, 100–101, 2000:70–71, 2002:4, 2002:74, 2003:20–22, 24, 2008:113

, Mike 2007:89–90

, NC 1989:72

Tolten, Brenda and Patrick 2013:133

Tom Yawkey Wildlife Center, 2016:18

, SC 1991:69–92

Tomkins, Ivan 1978:4

Tomlinson, Tom 2004:22, 25

, Willie H. Jr. 1980:70–75

Tony Hill Bay, SC 1993:78, 84

tool-making, 1992:4

tool-using, 1992:4

Toops, Connie 2016:89

Topsail Beach, NC 1973:30, 1976:18, 1976:20, 1978:17, 1980:115, 1982:116, 1987:36, 56, 1987:54, 1987:79, 1987:112, 1994:129, 131, 1995:174–175, 1997:58, 1997:120, 122, 1997:286, 1998:192, 1999:90, 92, 95, 2000:71, 2000:105, 2000:160, 2003:70, 2005:46, 2005:165, 2006:22, 2006:47, 2008:112, 2009:11, 2009:16, 2009:22, 2009:161, 2010:90, 2011:73, 2011:131, 2012:28, 2012:53, 2012:59, 2012:111, 2013:150, 2014:10, 2014:24, 2014:75, 2014:97, 2014:101, 2014:106, 2014:157–159

Topsail Inlet, NC 1985:50, 1986:23

Topsail Island, 2009:134, 2009:157, 2009:159, 2009:161, 2010:22, 2010:57, 2011:47

, NC 1974:96, 1976:102, 1976:103, 1979:100, 1983:30, 1988:44, 1991:14, 1991:93, 1997:60, 1997:125, 1997:228, 1998:159, 1999:52, 2000:106, 2000:142, 2003:113, 2004:47, 2004:84, 87, 2005:52, 2005:116, 2005:136, 2005:166

Torlina, Jade 2008:119

, Pam 2008:119, 2010:105

Tove, Elizabeth 2014:131

, M. H. 1988:28

, Michael 1977:96, 1980:1–4, 1980:82, 1981:No. 1 cover, 1981:13, 1981:73–75, 1981:75–77, 1982:9–12, 1982:57–71, 1989:8–11, 1989:38, 1989:53–65, 1998:49, 2002:1

, Michael H. 1985:44, 1987:57, 2014:29, 2014:34, 2014:50, 2014:52, 2014:54, 2014:56, 2014:58, 2014:107, 2014:129, 2014:131 See also LeGrand, Harry, et al. 2011 See also LeGrand, Harry, et al. 2009. See also LeGrand, Harry, et al. 2010

, Michael H., et al., 2013 Annual Report of the North Carolina Bird Records Committee 2014:8–13

, Michael, et al., 2011 Annual Report of the North Carolina Bird Records Committee 2012:1–6

, Michael, et al., 2012 Annual Report of the North Carolina Bird Records Committee 2013:6–10

, Mike 1997:57, 61, 64–65, 1997:204–205, 209, 212, 1997:221, 1997:278–279, 284–285, 1998:135, 1998:163, 1999:147, 149, 153, 2000:73, 2000:105, 2000:151, 2001:118, 2001:147, 152, 2003:70, 2003:111–112, 114, 118, 2004:2, 2004:172, 2005:31, 2005:52, 2005:80, 82, 2005:167, 2009:15, 2009:69, 2010:56, 2011:49, 2011:63, 2012:29, 2012:34, 2012:109, 2012:133, 2013:30, 2013:86, 2013:112, 2015:13, :Piephoff, Z. Taylor, et al. See also Piephoff, Z. Taylor, et al.

, Mike (photo by) 1983:8

Towhee, Eastern 1971:104, 1972:2, 1972:101, 1973:26, 1973:96, 1974:No. 1 cover photo, 1974:87, 1976:3, 1976:7, 1976:40, 1976:61, 1977:71, 1978:69, 1978:72, 1978:73, 1978:74, 1978:75, 1978:76, 1980:12, 1980:33, 1980:101, 1981:59, 1981:61, 1981:62, 1981:63, 1981:66, 1982:19, 1983:37, 1983:92, 1984:9, 1984:69, 1984:72, 1987:93–95, 1987:102, 1997:74, 1997:103, 1998:13–14, 1999:16, 2000:4, 2000:43, 2000:125, 2001:34, 2001:69, 2003:51, 2003:91, 2003:139, 2004:20, 34, 2004:74, 2004:127, 141, 2004:144, 156, 2005:23, 2005:90, 101, 2005:130, 144, 2005:147–148, 158, 2006:64, 66, 86, 2007:73, 2007:123, 2008:19, 2008:73–74, 92, 2008:124, 2009:102, 2010:9, 2010:75, 2011:27, 2011:33, 2011:113, 2012:14, 2012:93, 2012:104, 2013:104–106, 2013:113, 2013:129, 2013:141, 2014:45, 2014:86, 2014:121–124, 2014:147, 2015:10, 2015:84, 2015:124, 2015:141, 2015:143–145, 2015:168, 2016:11, 2016:134

, Eastern (aggression in) 1987:103–104

, Green-tailed 1980:61, 1984:88, 1990:58, 2003:3–4, 2004:8, 2005:38–40

, Rufous-sided 1979:50, 1982:20, 1982:34, 1982:36, 1982:39, 1982:99, 1982:100, 1982:101, 1982:102, 1985:5, 1985:36

, Spotted 1997:262, 2001:34, 2002:115, 117, 2009:72

Towns County, GA 2002:145

Townsend, Johnny 2000:145

Townville, SC 1974:29, 1974:47, 1974:49, 1974:81, 1974:97, 1975:23, 1975:24, 1975:60, 1975:61, 1975:62, 1975:63, 1975:96, 1975:97, 1976:17, 1976:19, 1976:47, 1976:48, 1976:50, 1976:51, 1976:71, 1976:72, 1977:52, 1977:53, 1977:54, 1977:55, 1977:74, 1977:76, 1977:99, 1978:15, 1978:17, 1978:37, 1978:38, 1978:62, 1978:65, 1978:88, 1979:21, 1979:22, 1979:41, 1979:43, 1979:72, 1979:73, 1979:96, 1980:45, 1980:49, 1980:66, 1981:47, 1981:49, 1981:50, 1981:52, 1981:54, 1981:82, 1981:106, 1981:110, 1982:87, 1982:88, 1982:91, 1982:92, 1983:32, 1983:51, 1983:83, 1984:19, 1984:53, 1984:55, 1984:57, 1984:78, 1984:82, 1984:83, 1984:97, 1984:98, 1984:102, 1985:23–25, 1985:40, 51, 53, 1985:84, 1985:103, 105, 1986:24, 1986:46, 1986:127–130, 1987:19–20, 22–23, 1987:53, 1987:82, 1987:111, 1989:49, 1989:104, 1990:48, 1991:19, 1991:40, 1991:66, 1992:11, 15, 1994:23, 31, 1995:38, 1995:102–103, 1996:116, 123–124, 126, 1997:61, 66, 1997:102, 1997:210–211, 1997:223, 231, 1997:282, 1998:128, 130, 139, 1998:162, 168, 1998:190, 1999:41–42, 1999:90, 92, 1999:188, 191, 2000:76, 2001:77, 82, 2001:151, 2002:67, 2002:87, 2003:23, 31, 2003:63, 65, 73, 2003:115, 2004:49, 57, 59, 2004:91, 95, 2004:117, 119, 2005:36, 2005:55, 2005:71, 2005:113, 115, 121–122, 2006:46, 51, 58, 2006:99, 103, 106, 2007:16, 2007:43, 2009:74, 2009:75, 2009:130, 2010:23, 2010:32, 2010:62, 2010:96, 2011:53, 2011:54, 2011:129, 2011:136, 2011:160, 2012:50, 2012:57, 2012:107, 2012:114, 2012:132, 2013:18, 2013:27, 2013:46, 2013:57, 2013:61, 2013:66, 2013:81, 2013:87–88, 2013:99, 2013:153, 2014:72, 2014:78–79, 2014:102, 2014:162, 2015:56, 2015:105, 2015:108, 2016:83, 2016:94, 2016:108, 2016:140

Tracey, Steve 2003:80, 82, 2003:130, 2007:15, 26, 2007:38, 48, 2008:27, 37, 2008:58, 2008:69–70, 2009:17, 2009:20, 2009:24, 2009:26, 2012:63

, Steven 2006:23, 26, 30, 2006:38

Tracy, Steve 1999:153, 2003:64, 2003:114, 2004:93, 2005:119–120, 2008:115, 2009:53, 2009:69, 2009:162, 2010:65, 2010:115, 2011:12, 2011:49, 2011:97, 2011:136, 2012:72, 2013:66, 2013:100, 2013:108, 2013:146, 2014:126, 2015:103, 2015:184, 2016:29, 2016:38, 2016:74, 2016:110

Trail, Paris 1991:6–7, 1998:43, 1999:153

, Paris R. 1987:37, 1987:72–73

Tramway, NC 2015:132

Transylvania County, 7.C. 1974:83–87, 1974:94

, NC 1971:54, 1971:61, 1972:39, 1972:42, 1974:45, 1975:26, 1978:1, 1978:18, 1978:25, 1978:81, 1978:81, 1979:23, 1979:24, 1981:51, 1982:76, 1982:120, 1983:52, 1984:55, 1985:102–103, 1986:126, 1987:53, 1987:79, 1990:21, 28, 1990:43, 1992:3, 1992:8, 12, 1992:42–43, 1993:19, 1993:102, 1994:22, 24, 1994:43, 1994:128–130, 135, 137, 1995:31–32, 35–36, 1995:72–73, 75, 77, 82, 1995:97, 1995:107, 1995:174, 1996:66, 68–72, 75, 79, 1996:116, 118, 123–124, 1996:158–159, 162, 164–166, 1997:58–61, 63–64, 1997:73, 76, 1997:120, 122–123, 127–128, 1997:208–209, 1997:222–225, 228, 1997:280, 282, 286–288, 1998:42, 1998:101, 104, 124, 1998:129, 1998:142, 1998:161, 1998:191–192, 195, 198–199, 1999:40, 42, 1999:48, 1999:91, 101, 1999:145, 148, 150, 153, 1999:181, 1999:185–188, 190, 2000:69, 77, 2000:101, 106, 108, 2000:155–156, 2001:39, 44, 2001:75–78, 81, 2001:116, 122, 2001:147, 150–153, 2002:31, 34, 2002:67, 73, 2002:98, 2002:106, 108, 110, 113, 2002:145, 2003:12, 2003:115–116, 119, 2004:3, 2004:46, 55, 2004:125, 128, 2005:127, 2005:166, 2006:20, 24, 28–29, 2006:46, 54, 56–57, 2006:63, 2006:94, 98, 102, 104–106, 2007:21, 25, 27, 2007:49, 2007:92, 2007:98, 2008:22, 2008:72, 2008:108, 110, 113, 115–116, 2009:2, 2009:27, 2009:59, 2009:79, 2010:114, 2011:7, 2011:91, 2012:66, 2012:113, 2013:30, 2013:32, 2013:35–36, 2013:92, 2013:102, 2013:120, 2014:71, 2014:120, 2014:137, 2014:149, 2014:154, 2014:160–161, 2014:165, 2015:34, 2015:41, 2015:88–89, 2015:136, 2015:141–142, 2015:159–170, 2016:73–74, 2016:105, 2016:111, 2016:120, 2016:144–146, 2016:148 See also Brevard, Devil's Courthouse, Cedar Mountain, Thunder Lake, Sherwood Forest, Thunder Lake, Pisgah Forest

Tranters Creek, NC 1990:21

Traphill, NC 1996:68

Trapp, Dennis 2015:1, 2015:80, 2016:1

Trask, David 2011:98

Travis, Emilie 2013:103

, Ginger 1997:288, 1999:95, 99, 1999:183, 2000:68, 2001:73, 2001:149, 151, 2002:107, 111, 2003:18, 22, 26, 2003:69, 2003:118, 2003:148, 154, 2004:20, 23, 2004:92, 2004:131–132, 2005:32, 2005:132, 134, 2005:168, 2006:32–34, 2006:69–70, 2006:99, 2007:3, 2007:17, 24, 2007:87, 90, 2007:103–104, 2008:34, 36, 2008:56, 2008:77–78, 2008:141, 2009:87, 2009:88, 2010:23, 2010:87, 2010:109, 2011:14, 2011:99, 2011:101, 2012:35, 2012:76, 2012:77, 2012:79, 2012:130, 2013:83, 2013:112–113, 2014:26, 2014:129–131, 2015:131, 2015:151–153, 2016:112

, Vaud 2004:130, 2005:131, 2006:68, 2007:102

Travis, Ginger, A Varied Thrush in Orange County: First Record for North Carolina 2007:78–80

trends, 1994:69

Trently, Allan 2001:42, 2002:34, 2006:132

, David 2002:70, 73, 2009:163

Trenton, NC 1996:163, 2003:150–151, 153, 2004:117, 2008:66, 2009:63, 2010:110

, SC 1993:60, 62

Trezevant's Landing, 2005:46, 54

Triangle, 1997:227, 2003:22, 2003:67

Tribble, Tom 2004:19, 2004:128, 2005:128, 2006:66, 2007:99–100, 2008:73, 75, 2008:113, 2009:21, 2009:79, 2009:82, 2009:83, 2009:118, 2009:119, 2011:7, 2011:9, 2011:10, 2011:94, 2012:67, 2012:69, 2012:70, 2013:103, 2013:105, 2014:123, 2015:143–144, 2016:36

Trice, Tina 2009:91

, Tricia 2008:81

Trigle, Kelly 2009:92

Tripp, Erin 2005:134

Tristan de Cunha Islands, 2002:89

Trivedi, Maulik 2013:146, 2014:22, 2014:127

Trochet, John 1978:13, 1978:23–24

Troester, Melissa 2005:171

Tropical Storm Barry, 2007:132–133, 136

Tropical Storm Earl, 1999:97

Tropical Storm Ernesto, 2007:14–15, 17–22

Tropical Storm Frances, 2005:48–54

Tropical Storm Gaston, 2005:51

Tropical Storm Hannah, 2014:2

Tropical Storm Jeanne, 2005:48, 52–53

Tropicbird, 1984:18, 1984:40

, Red-billed 1980:59, 1983:1–13, 1983:69–70, 1983:100–101, 1984:51, 1995:72, 1995:88, 1995:101, 1995:134, 1996:67, 1996:115, 1996:137, 1997:57, 1997:101, 1997:279, 1998:55, 1998:71, 1998:189, 2001:147, 2002:105, 2002:150, 2003:112, 2003:149, 2004:47, 2004:116, 2004:168, 2005:45, 2005:166, 2006:95, 2007:85, 2007:133, 2009:13, 2009:115, 2009:156, 2010:2, 2010:85, 2011:125, 2011:154, 2012:108, 2013:84, 2013:148, 2014:21, 2014:82, 2014:100, 2014:158, 2015:177, 2016:108

, sp. 1992:37

, White-tailed 1973:29, 1976:17, 1977:14, 1977:51, 1980:45, 1980:59, 1980:69, 1980:92, 1980:113, 1981:19, 1982:47, 1983:1–13, 1983:69–70, 1984:51, 1985:22, 1985:49, 1986:22, 1986:45, 1986:125, 1987:52, 1987:79, 1987:109, 1989:43, 1989:94, 1990:66, 1990:74, 1991:35, 1991:59, 1992:63, 1992:83, 1993:55, 1994:59–60, 1994:102, 1994:128, 1995:72, 1995:101, 1995:134, 1996:67, 1996:115, 1997:101, 1997:120, 1997:205, 1997:279, 1998:35, 1998:41, 1998:49, 55, 1998:71, 1998:127, 1998:188, 1999:35, 1999:89, 1999:183, 2000:27, 2000:67, 2001:38, 2001:147, 2002:66, 2002:105, 2002:150, 2003:17, 2003:111, 2003:149, 2004:46, 2005:166, 2006:21, 2006:95, 2006:126, 2007:14, 2007:85, 2007:133, 2008:23, 2008:139, 2009:156, 2010:19, 2010:85, 2010:108, 2011:125, 2011:154, 2012:108, 2013:84, 2014:21, 2014:82, 2014:100, 2014:158, 2015:129, 2015:176, 2016:108, 2016:141

Tropicbirds, 1998:65

Trott, John 1971:No. 2 cover photo, 1975:No. 1 cover photo, 1982:No. 3 cover photo, 1983:No. 2 cover photo, 1983:No. 4 cover photo, No. 3 cover photo, 1989:No. 1 cover

, Tim 2005:136, 2006:74, 2007:109, 2008:83, 2009:92, 2011:19, 2011:105, 2011:125, 2012:83, 2013:118, 2014:135, 2015:157

Trout Lake, NC 1989:48, 1993:60

Truesdale, Ann 2012:98, 2012:129, 2013:22, 2013:25–26, 2013:30, 2013:50, 2013:94, 2013:152, 2014:58, 2014:76

Trump, Rusty 2004:85

Truong, Camille 2013:112

Trusedale, Ann 2016:4–5, 2016:127, 2016:129

Tryon, NC 1971:34, 1975:14, 1976:41, 1977:43, 1977:93, 1978:54, 1981:81, 1983:15, 1985:104, 1987:82, 1988:48, 1988:69, 1988:86–87, 94–95, 1989:26, 1989:48–49, 1989:72, 77, 1989:94, 96, 101–103, 1990:22, 1990:46–48, 1990:69, 1990:93, 1991:18, 1991:39, 1991:64, 66, 1992:1, 1992:3, 1992:8, 1992:38, 42–43, 1992:70, 1993:19, 1993:59, 1993:80, 83–84, 1993:102, 107, 1994:22, 30, 1994:62, 67–68, 1994:135–137, 1995:75, 77, 1995:101–105, 107–110, 1995:173, 178–179, 1996:70–71, 1996:123, 126, 1996:161, 1997:125, 1997:208, 1997:281–283, 286, 1998:130, 137, 139, 1998:189, 191–192, 2000:106, 2000:158, 2003:73, 2004:50–51, 2008:55, 2009:67, 2010:94, 2011:134, 2011:149, 2013:151, 2015:38

Tryon Peak, NC 1990:48

Trypanosoma spp, 2002:81

Tucher, Rob 1989:No. 4 cover

Tucker, Steve 2014:25

Tuckertown Dam, NC 1989:47

Tuckertown Reservoir, NC 1988:91

Tuffin, Amalie 2002:66, 2004:20, 2004:130, 2005:134, 2006:69, 71–72, 2007:87, 2007:103, 105, 2008:77, 79–80, 2009:87, 2009:89, 2011:14, 2011:16, 2011:99, 2011:102, 2012:76, 2012:79, 2012:80, 2013:116, 2014:126

Tufford, Cindy 1999:101

, Dan 1999:101, 2010:109

Tugaloo River, 2002:146

Tulula Wetlands, 2003:115

Tuomey, Bill 2003:80

Turbeville, SC 2009:17, 2009:19, 2009:20, 2009:160, 2009:164, 2010:22, 2010:23, 2010:25

Turkey, 1973:74, 1981:34, 1982:34, 1982:88, 1982:102, 1982:103

, Wild 1971:95, 1972:26, 1972:84, 1975:No. 4 cover drawing, 1976:39, 1980:7, 1982:41, 1983:14, 1983:36, 1985:91, 1987:91, 100, 1993:17, 1993:33, 1997:10, 1997:209, 1998:12, 14–15, 1999:16, 21, 2000:47, 2000:125, 2001:137, 2002:8, 2002:45, 48, 2002:125–126, 2003:44, 2003:84, 2003:133, 2004:20, 27, 2004:67, 2004:134, 2004:150, 2005:3, 2005:92, 94, 2005:134, 136–137, 2005:152, 2006:66–67, 76, 2006:109–16, 2007:63, 2007:111, 2008:14, 2008:75, 84, 2008:120, 2008:139, 2009:94, 2009:113, 2010:7, 2010:72, 2011:21, 2011:31, 2011:107, 2011:124, 2012:12, 2012:52, 2012:85, 2012:101, 2013:101, 2013:109, 2013:121, 2013:138, 2014:43, 2014:82, 2014:120, 2014:136, 2014:139, 2015:5, 2015:7, 2015:82, 2015:155, 2015:159, 2016:6–7, 2016:100, 2016:129, 2016:131

Turnage, Marvin, Jr. 1971:30

Turner, Gail 2016:7

, Jeff 2004:22, 25, 2004:129, 2006:67, 2007:101, 2012:71, 2012:113, 2013:22, 2013:24, 2013:29

, John 2003:82

, Megan 2014:42

, Mike 1997:67, 1997:207, 209–210, 214, 218, 1997:231, 1998:165, 167, 1999:35, 1999:90, 93–94, 96, 1999:144, 146, 2000:27, 2000:66, 69–71, 73, 78, 2000:107–108, 2001:74, 2002:104, 2003:17–19, 21, 23–24, 28, 31, 2003:63–65, 67, 2003:112–114, 116–117, 120, 2004:84, 2004:117, 120, 124, 2004:146, 2004:171, 2005:47, 50, 52–53, 56, 2005:78, 2006:128, 2007:18–19, 27, 2007:51, 2007:84, 87, 90, 93, 2008:34, 2009:31, 2009:74, 2009:116, 2009:158, 2011:124, 2011:129, 2011:130, 2011:157, 2012:33, 2012:107, 2013:22, 2013:25, 2013:30, 2013:46–48, 2013:52, 2013:54–55, 2013:61, 2013:82–84, 2013:86–89, 2013:91, 2013:94–95, 2013:100, 2013:152, 2014:18–19, 2014:32, 2014:60–61, 2014:63–64, 2014:68–70, 2014:95, 2014:98, 2014:110, 2014:157, 2014:162, 2014:167, 2014:168, 2015:37, 2015:44, 2015:50, 2015:53, 2015:56, 2015:89, 2015:97, 2015:100, 2015:136, 2016:22

, Phil 1998:151, 1998:164, 1999:89, 95, 1999:148, 1999:184, 189, 2000:107–108, 2002:86, 2002:112, 2002:116, 2003:34, 2003:74, 2003:113, 2003:155, 2004:47, 2005:77, 87, 2005:121, 2005:169, 2006:25, 2006:47, 2006:104, 2007:16, 28, 2007:85, 87, 2009:74, 2009:75, 2009:115, 2009:130, 2010:17, 2010:21, 2010:28, 2011:46, 2013:2, 2014:21, 2014:23, 2016:22

, Phil and Sharon 2015:136

, Sharon 1997:127, 1999:95, 1999:184, 189, 2000:107–108, 2002:78, 2002:112, 2003:34, 2003:74, 2003:113, 2003:155, 2005:77, 80, 87, 2005:121, 2006:25, 2007:87, 2008:109, 2009:74, 2009:75, 2009:115, 2009:130, 2014:23

, Sharon & Phil 2012:64, 2012:131

Turnstone, Ruddy 1972:66, 1972:No. 3 cover, 1973:80, 1974:27, 1976:48, 1976:102, 1978:4, 1978:17, 1978:37, 1978:87, 1979:39, 1979:55, 1979:98, 1980:48, 1980:97, 1981:50, 1982:22, 1982:50, 1982:119, 1984:21, 1984:56, 1985:82, 1985:103, 1986:127, 1987:111, 1989:98, 1991:96, 1992:87, 1994:131, 1995:104, 1996:72, 1997:61, 1997:104, 1997:211, 220, 1998:43, 1998:132, 1999:94, 2001:54, 2001:76, 2003:22, 2003:45, 2003:85, 2003:116, 2003:134, 2004:69, 2004:119, 2004:126, 136, 2004:152, 2005:49, 2005:89, 92, 96, 2005:139, 2005:154, 2006:26, 2006:62, 78, 2007:18, 2007:67, 2007:114, 2007:135, 2008:15, 2008:28, 2008:58, 2008:83, 2008:121, 2009:96, 2009:120, 2010:24, 2010:73, 2011:23, 2011:44, 2011:109, 2012:13, 2012:25, 2012:41–48, 2012:88, 2012:102, 2013:24, 2013:88, 2013:118, 2013:124, 2013:139, 2014:83, 2014:135, 2014:141, 2015:5, 2015:8, 2015:42, 2015:72–73, 2015:76–78, 2015:132, 2015:157, 2015:162, 2016:8, 2016:34, 2016:128, 2016:130–131

Turtle Island, SC 1978:3–7

Turtle-Dove, Ringed 1988:37, 1990:56, 1996:144, 1997:62, 2002:5

Tuscarora Boy Scout Camp, NC 1988:44

Tuskey, Carol 2013:8, 2013:62, 2014:28, 2016:92

Tuttle, Gray 2004:22, 25, 2004:129, 2005:130, 2006:67, 2007:101, 2009:85, 2012:74, 2013:109, 2014:127, 2015:149

TV tower kill, 1980:52, 1983:46

Twin Lakes, 1997:123, 1999:91, 2002:98, 2003:64, 2004:95, 2004:117, 2005:167, 2006:128, 2008:23, 2008:52–53, 2009:56, 2010:20, 2010:21, 2011:39, 2011:40, 2011:42, 2012:129, 2012:131, 2013:18, 2013:21

, NC 2015:94, 2015:175

Tyler, Emily 2003:155, 2004:130, 2005:82, 2005:113, 2005:131, 2007:102, 2008:76, 2009:86, 2011:13, 2011:98, 2012:75, 2013:110, 2014:128, 2015:150

Tyndall, Patricia 1997:59, 1997:218, 1997:281, 284, 1998:47, 1999:148, 2000:70, 2000:108, 2001:118, 2001:147, 149, 151, 156, 2002:2, 2002:32, 35, 2002:58, 61, 2002:68, 70, 74, 2002:94, 103–104, 2002:149, 151–153, 2003:25, 29, 2003:61, 68, 71, 73, 2003:111, 113, 122, 2004:46, 50, 52, 2004:88–89, 95, 2004:115, 119, 2004:168–171, 2005:31, 2006:57, 2014:165, 2014:169

, Russ 1997:59, 62, 1997:218, 1997:228, 1997:281, 284, 1998:47, 1999:148, 2000:70, 2001:118, 2001:147, 149, 151, 156, 2002:6, 2002:32, 35, 2002:58, 61, 2002:67–68, 70, 74, 2002:94, 103–104, 2002:149, 151–153, 2003:25, 29, 2003:61, 68, 71, 73, 2003:111, 113, 122, 2003:150, 2004:45–46, 50, 52, 2004:88–89, 95, 2004:115, 119, 2004:168–171, 2006:57, 2014:16, 2014:161, 2014:165, 2014:169 See also LeGrand, Harry, et al.

, Russ and Tricia 2015:50

, Russell See LeGrand, Harry, et al. See also LeGrand, Harry, et al. 2009. See also LeGrand, Harry, et al. 2010 See also LeGrand, Harry, et al. 2011

Tyrannus, sp. 1995:107

Tyrrell, Jen 2012:98

, Jen McCarthey 2015:3

, Jennifer 2013:54, 2013:134, 2013:136, 2016:22

, Jennifer M. 2010:70

Tyrrell County, NC 1971:115, 1972:37, 1976:20, 1979:97, 1980:76, 1992:3, 1993:108, 1999:153, 2000:31, 2001:149, 153, 2002:97, 2002:107, 2003:113, 2003:150, 2004:115, 2004:168, 2005:29, 2005:118, 2005:170, 2006:29, 32, 2006:126, 129, 2007:15, 17, 23, 26, 2007:88, 2008:109–110, 112, 2009:16, 2009:24, 2012:23, 2012:108, 2013:22, 2013:59, 2013:145, 2014:97–98, 2014:99, 2015:38, 2015:94 See also Columbia

Tysinger, Charles 2011:13, 2016:23

Ulah, NC 1993:106

Ulmer, M. B. 2003:82, 2004:66, 2004:148, 2005:92, 2005:151, 2007:62, 2010:69

, M.B. 2013:134

Umstead State Park, 1971:33, 1971:67–70, 2009:68, 2011:124, 2012:112, 2013:115, 2014:132

, NC 1972:1–3, 1972:34, 1972:37, 1972:96, 1982:49, 1985:23, 1987:23, 1987:55, 1988:24, 1988:83, 1998:45, 2002:132

Unaka, NC 1996:123

Unaka Mountain, NC 1993:84–85, 1994:135, 2003:11

Underwood, Garnet 2004:23, 2009:84, 2010:62, 2011:11, 2011:97, 2012:72, 2015:147

, Garnet and Ron 2013:108, 2014:126

, Marie 2011:11

, Ron 2004:23, 2009:84, 2010:62, 2010:88, 2011:11, 2011:97, 2011:135, 2012:29, 2012:72, 2015:101, 2015:147

, Ron & Garnet 2009:23, 2012:132

Unicoi Mountains, N.C.-Tenn. 1983:33–40

, NC 1973:50

Union Camp Corp., 1982:41

Union County, 1999:124, 1999:168

, NC 1983:82, 2000:146, 2003:19, 2006:50, 54, 2006:131, 2007:15, 2007:50, 2007:92, 2008:33, 2008:62, 2009:159, 2011:41, 2012:32, 2013:58, 2013:93, 2014:22, 2014:96, 2014:98, 2014:107, 2014:155, 2014:171, 2015:13, 2015:37, 2015:48, 2015:177–178, 2016:44, 2016:47, 2016:123, 2016:140–142 See also Monroe

, SC 1980:46, 1982:117, 1984:59, 1987:82, 1988:68, 1990:70, 1994:67, 1994:106, 1996:124, 1999:191, 2003:36, 41, 2007:62, 2015:94, 2016:28 See also Cross Keys

Union Point Park, 2014:35

University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2000:80

University of North Carolina at Wilmington, 1989:20, 1989:97, 2015:51

University of North Carolina Wilmington, 2016:40

University of South Carolina campus, 1995:81

Unruh, Lori 1999:183, 2003:61, 2005:86, 2005:128, 2007:99

Updike, Connie 2004:128, 2005:127, 2008:72, 2009:79, 2011:91

Updyke, Connie 2012:66, 2013:102, 2014:120

Upper Santee Swamp, 2003:57

Upshaw, Andy 2004:23, 2005:134, 2006:70, 2007:104, 2008:78, 2009:88, 2009:127, 2009:130, 2011:15, 2011:101, 2012:77, 2013:68, 2013:113, 2014:131, 2015:152–153

Urbston, David F. 1980:27

Urquart, Sarah 2006:65

US 21, 1998:76

US Fish and Wildlife Service, 1998:63, 2002:24

US National Museum, 2001:34

USFWS Migratory Bird Banding Laboratory, 2001:123

Uwharrie National Forest, 2013:27, 2016:42

, NC 1984:25

VadenBoom, Casey 2016:36

Vainright, Howard 2003:70, 2004:85, 2014:168, 2015:130

Vainwright, Howard 1997:281, 2002:97

Valentine, Bill 2007:60

Valiunas, Nona 2008:27, 2008:108

Valle Crucis, NC 1981:22, 1981:23, 1987:81, 1997:282, 2013:45

Valle Crucis Community Park, 2008:36, 2015:136, 2016:49

, NC 2001:81, 2002:73, 2005:118, 121, 2006:102

Van Druten, Brian 2000:151, 2001:41, 2002:100, 2005:75, 86, 2009:159

, Kelley 2003:153

Van Epps, Rob 2000:73, 2001:155, 2002:109, 2003:72, 2004:52, 2005:51, 2008:31, 2009:117, 2010:86, 2013:19, 2014:116, 2015:93, 2015:148, 2015:178, 2016:29, 2016:31, 2016:36, 2016:42

Van Hay, Rick 2005:135

Van Horn, Rick 2004:132

Van Houton, Kyle 2003:118

Van Hoy, Rick 2008:80

Van Malssen, Lee 2000:69, 2002:33–34, 2004:20, 2005:132–133

Van Ness, David 2011:15, 2011:101, 2012:77

, David and Millicent 2013:113

, Millicent 2011:15, 2011:101, 2012:77

Van Norman, Alan 2012:58

Van Os, Joe 1978:23–24

Van Velzen, Willet T. 1971:64–66

Vance, SC 1994:27

Vance County, NC 1972:112, 1976:102, 1977:41, 1977:89, 1978:51, 1984:65, 1984:66, 1998:42, 1998:159, 2002:145, 2003:111, 2008:58, 2013:47, 2014:95 See also Henderson

Vande Kopple, Jonathan & Tiffany 2011:126

Vander, NC 1989:77

VanEck, Willem 2006:70

Vankevich, Peter 2000:103, 2001:43, 2001:149, 2002:111, 2003:62, 68, 2004:119, 2005:54, 2005:82, 87, 2006:46, 51, 53, 2007:39, 2008:67, 2009:58, 2009:66, 2009:70, 2010:57, 2011:71, 2011:73, 2013:29, 2013:47, 2014:71, 2014:107, 2015:45, 2015:90, 2015:98

Vann, Julie 2012:98

, Zach 2012:98

VanNess, David 2009:88

, Millicent 2009:88

Vass, NC 1973:53, 1974:47, 1974:48, 1974:78, 1974:79, 1974:80, 1975:24, 1975:25, 1975:61, 1975:62, 1976:48, 1976:50, 1977:49, 1978:37, 1979:38, 1979:99, 1980:21, 1981:47, 1982:49, 1982:88, 1982:90, 1983:78, 1983:105, 1983:107, 1983:109, 1984:54, 1984:55, 1984:76, 1984:78, 1984:79, 1984:99, 1984:101, 1985:51, 1985:83, 1985:104, 1986:22, 1987:52–53, 1987:110, 1988:49, 1990:22, 1990:46, 2013:70, 2013:72, 2016:30

, NC (correction) 1977:16

Vaughan, Charles 2003:128

Vaughn, Alice 2004:146

, Travis 2012:97

Vaught, Tom 2003:20, 2006:23

Veery, 1971:100, 1972:96, 1973:109, 1974:86, 1975:72, 1976:4, 1976:58, 1978:68, 1978:69, 1979:31, 1980:10, 1980:33, 1980:116, 1980:117, 1981:53, 1981:62, 1982:19, 1983:33, 1983:36, 1983:55, 1983:91, 1985:4, 11, 1990:47, 1993:61, 1994:4, 1997:18, 1997:29–30, 1997:64, 1997:229, 1997:287, 1998:182, 1999:3, 8, 1999:168, 170, 1999:189, 2000:125, 2001:126, 2002:9, 2002:127, 2003:38, 49, 2003:89, 2003:130, 137, 2004:32, 2004:56, 2004:65, 73, 2004:139, 2004:155, 2004:172, 2005:17, 2005:99, 2005:129, 143, 2006:66, 72–73, 83, 2007:71, 2007:93, 2007:120, 2008:17, 2008:35, 2008:73, 75, 80–82, 90, 2008:123, 2009:100, 2010:8, 2010:71, 2010:74, 2011:26, 2011:33, 2011:112, 2012:14, 2012:91, 2013:40, 2013:104, 2013:107, 2013:110, 2013:128, 2013:141, 2013:156, 2014:5, 2014:45, 2014:85, 2014:121, 2014:124, 2014:128, 2014:145, 2015:84, 2015:143, 2015:145, 2015:147–148, 2015:156, 2015:158, 2015:166, 2015:182, 2016:6, 2016:10, 2016:101, 2016:133

Veit, Richard 2012:131

Velega, Thomas M. 1980:16

Venartelli, Abby 2008:80, 2009:90

Vence, Carolina 2015:144

Venning Creek, 2001:56

Vera Cruz Shoal, NC 1989:74

Vernon James Research Center, 2009:14, 2009:15, 2009:16, 2009:17, 2009:32, 2009:69, 2009:75, 2011:41, 2013:36

Vespula, 1992:7

Veteran's Park, 2013:17

Veterans Park, 2015:89

Vickers, John 2002:108

Victoria Bluff Preserve, SC 1992:8

Vieques, 1998:155

Vimmerstedt, Margaret 2004:23, 2004:131–132, 2005:134, 2006:70, 2007:104, 2009:88, 2012:77, 2013:113, 2014:131, 2015:152

Vincent, Janis 2014:103

, Ruth 2014:79

Violetear, Mexican 1990:56, 1996:123, 1996:139, 1996:147, 2004:2, 2004:54

Vireo, Bell's 1975:92, 1980:61, 1984:9, 1986:123–124, 1990:57, 1993:69, 2004:4, 2004:7, 2007:2, 4, 2007:24, 2008:9, 2008:34, 2008:133–135, 2009:24, 2010:2, 2010:62, 2011:2, 2011:48, 2012:9, 2012:32, 2013:30, 2014:4, 2014:31, 2014:32, 2014:85

, Bell?s 2015:49

, Black-whiskered 1983:110, 1995:80, 1995:87, 1996:76, 1996:140, 1997:102, 2000:156, 2002:33, 2006:131, 2007:3, 2009:162

, Blue-headed 1971:67, 1971:80, 1971:101, 1972:2, 1972:96, 1972:100, 1972:101, 1973:88, 1974:86, 1975:11, 1975:12, 1975:27, 1975:72, 1976:5, 1976:37, 1976:38, 1976:39, 1976:59, 1977:40, 1977:41, 1977:76, 1978:18, 1978:51, 1978:52, 1978:68, 1978:71, 1978:72, 1978:74, 1980:10, 1980:13, 1980:24, 1980:33, 1981:23, 1981:53, 1981:61, 1981:62, 1981:64, 1982:24, 1983:31, 1983:36, 1983:110, 1984:9–10, 1984:25, 1984:81, 1984:101, 1985:5, 1985:26, 1985:91, 1985:104, 1986:26, 1986:42, 1987:23, 1987:55, 1987:82, 1988:24, 1988:69, 1989:24, 1989:49, 1989:76, 1990:69, 1991:64–65, 1992:43, 1992:68, 1992:90, 1993:84, 1994:66, 1995:80, 1995:179, 1996:76, 1997:11, 13, 1997:288, 1998:137, 1999:52, 1999:127, 129, 1999:188, 2000:21, 2000:47, 2000:156, 2002:47, 2002:127, 131–132, 2002:154, 2003:39, 48, 2003:81, 88, 2003:136, 2004:20, 24, 31, 2004:63, 72, 2004:92, 2004:127, 138, 2004:154, 2005:13, 2005:56, 2005:98, 2005:135, 141, 2005:156, 2006:64–66, 74, 82, 2007:70, 2007:118, 2007:136, 2008:17, 2008:63, 2008:73, 75, 89, 2008:122, 2009:68, 2009:99, 2009:124, 2010:74, 2011:25, 2011:32, 2011:73, 2011:111, 2012:13, 2012:90, 2012:103, 2013:59, 2013:94, 2013:104, 2013:106–107, 2013:119, 2013:126, 2013:136, 2013:140, 2014:44, 2014:85, 2014:121, 2014:124, 2014:125, 2014:130, 2014:144, 2015:5, 2015:9, 2015:83, 2015:102, 2015:143, 2015:145, 2015:164, 2016:9, 2016:101, 2016:128, 2016:130, 2016:133

, Blue-headed, alticola 1999:188

, Philadelphia 1971:33, 1971:83, 1971:86, 1971:101, 1972:12, 1972:37, 1972:84, 1972:96, 1973:32, 1974:28, 1974:65, 1975:27, 1975:86, 1975:87, 1975:97, 1976:50, 1976:88, 1976:104, 1977:55, 1977:87, 1977:90, 1977:100, 1978:38, 1980:51, 1980:52, 1981:53, 1981:108, 1982:53, 1983:55, 1983:111, 1984:48, 1984:60, 1984:101, 1985:53, 1985:104, 1986:129, 1987:113, 1988:49, 1988:94, 1989:49, 1989:102, 1990:47, 1990:94, 1991:39, 1991:100, 1992:68, 1992:91, 1993:61, 1993:107, 1994:135, 1995:108, 1996:77, 1996:125, 1996:143, 1997:216, 1997:288, 1998:23, 1998:103–104, 1998:137, 1998:196, 1999:98, 1999:189, 2000:75, 2001:79, 2001:126, 2001:153, 2002:44, 47, 2002:74, 2002:112, 2003:27, 2003:34, 2004:31, 2004:55, 2004:122, 2004:126, 138, 2005:14, 2005:56, 2005:130, 141, 2006:32, 2007:24, 2008:17, 2008:34, 2008:72, 80, 89, 2008:114, 2009:24, 2009:99, 2009:125, 2010:29, 2011:32, 2011:48, 2011:111, 2012:13, 2012:32, 2013:30, 2014:32, 2014:85, 2014:109, 2014:126, 2014:144, 2015:49, 2016:43

, Philadelphia (correction) 1977:16

, Red-eyed 1971:101, 1972:2, 1972:3, 1972:100, 1974:86, 1976:2, 1976:3, 1976:5, 1976:20, 1976:59, 1978:67, 1978:68, 1978:70, 1978:72, 1978:73, 1978:74, 1978:75, 1978:76, 1979:18, 1979:50, 1980:10, 1980:51, 1980:97, 1981:33, 1981:59, 1981:61, 1981:62, 1981:66, 1982:34, 1982:99, 1982:101, 1982:102, 1983:36, 1983:38, 1983:91, 1983:111, 1984:9–10, 1985:5, 1986:42, 1987:92, 1997:11, 1997:288, 1999:16, 19, 1999:51–52, 1999:169, 2000:6, 2000:125, 2001:125, 2002:44, 2002:125, 2003:48, 2003:88, 2003:136, 2004:31, 2004:72, 2004:127, 138, 2004:154, 2005:14, 2005:90, 98, 2005:117, 2005:128, 130, 142, 2005:148, 156, 2006:65, 82, 2007:70, 2007:118, 2008:17, 2008:89, 2008:114, 2008:122, 2009:99, 2010:8, 2010:74, 2011:25, 2011:32, 2011:111, 2012:13, 2012:90, 2012:103, 2012:112, 2013:40, 2013:60, 2013:107, 2013:112, 2013:126, 2013:140, 2014:44, 2014:85, 2014:125, 2014:127, 2014:144, 2015:9, 2015:83, 2015:141–142, 2015:147, 2015:153, 2015:165, 2016:9, 2016:101, 2016:128, 2016:133

, Solitary 1979:31, 1979:41, 1979:55, 1979:73, 1979:91

, Warbling 1971:86, 1971:101, 1972:37, 1972:114, 1973:32, 1973:76, 1974:2, 1974:3, 1975:85, 1975:97, 1976:87, 1976:88, 1976:89, 1977:55, 1977:89, 1977:90, 1978:87, 1979:31, 1979:52, 1979:55, 1979:57, 1980:10, 1980:117, 1981:4, 1981:53, 1982:121, 1983:111, 1984:25, 1984:101, 1985:5, 11, 1985:53, 1985:92, 1986:26, 1987:55, 1987:82, 1988:49, 1988:69, 1989:49, 1989:76, 1990:41, 1990:47, 1990:94, 1991:65, 1992:91, 1993:8, 1993:61, 1993:69, 1993:107, 1994:106, 1994:135, 1995:108, 1996:76, 1996:125, 1997:64, 1997:75, 1997:215, 1997:288, 1998:20, 1998:46, 1998:76, 1998:137, 1998:195, 1999:21, 1999:41, 1999:98, 1999:188, 2000:75, 2000:156, 2001:42, 2001:79, 2001:153, 2002:4, 2002:33, 2002:74, 2002:112, 2002:154, 2003:27, 2003:79, 81, 88, 2003:120, 2003:154, 2004:25, 31, 2004:55, 2004:122, 2004:126, 138, 2005:13, 2005:56, 2005:128, 141, 2006:32, 2006:66, 72–73, 82, 2006:103, 2006:131, 2007:24, 2007:92, 2007:118, 2008:34, 2008:76, 89, 2008:114, 2008:142, 2009:99, 2009:124, 2009:162, 2010:92, 2011:25, 2011:48, 2011:111, 2011:133, 2011:159, 2012:13, 2012:32, 2012:90, 2012:112, 2013:30, 2013:94, 2013:115, 2013:126, 2014:32, 2014:85, 2014:109, 2014:128, 2014:129, 2014:144, 2014:167, 2015:49, 2015:137, 2015:164, 2016:119

, Warbling (song of) 1987:105

, White-eyed 1971:23, 1971:101, 1972:2, 1972:100, 1973:54, 1974:48, 1975:10, 1975:62, 1976:5, 1976:36, 1976:38, 1976:59, 1977:38, 1977:76, 1978:47, 1978:50, 1978:52, 1978:64, 1978:68, 1978:72, 1978:73, 1978:74, 1978:75, 1978:76, 1979:50, 1979:73, 1980:10, 1980:66, 1981:61, 1981:62, 1981:82, 1982:34, 1982:91, 1982:99, 1982:100, 1982:101, 1982:102, 1982:121, 1983:81, 1983:91, 1984:9, 1984:82, 1985:5, 1985:83, 1987:22, 1987:92, 95, 1987:113, 1992:14, 1993:20, 1994:29, 1995:36, 1995:108, 1995:179, 1996:125, 1996:165, 1998:18, 1999:17, 1999:98, 1999:150, 2000:5, 2000:47, 2000:125, 2001:119, 2001:125, 2002:8, 2002:44, 2002:102, 2003:27, 2003:48, 2003:88, 2003:136, 2003:154, 2004:19, 31, 2004:72, 2004:127, 138, 2004:154, 2005:13, 2005:89–90, 98, 2005:141, 2005:148, 156, 2006:81, 2007:70, 2007:118, 2008:17, 2008:63, 2008:89, 2008:122, 2009:68, 2009:99, 2010:8, 2010:61, 2010:74, 2011:25, 2011:32, 2011:48, 2011:73, 2011:111, 2012:13, 2012:61, 2012:90, 2012:103, 2013:59, 2013:112, 2013:126, 2013:140, 2014:44, 2014:75, 2014:85, 2014:127, 2014:144, 2015:9, 2015:49, 2015:83, 2015:164, 2016:9, 2016:101, 2016:133

, Yellow-throated 1971:101, 1972:2, 1972:100, 1976:3, 1976:5, 1976:59, 1978:72, 1978:73, 1978:74, 1978:76, 1979:41, 1980:10, 1981:61, 1982:34, 1983:55, 1983:91, 1984:9, 1985:5, 1985:91, 1986:43, 1986:129, 1987:95, 1989:76, 1993:61, 1996:76, 1996:125, 1997:288, 1998:195, 1999:150, 2000:125, 2001:127, 2001:153, 2003:48, 2003:88, 2003:136, 2004:31, 2004:72, 2004:127, 138, 2004:154, 2005:13, 2005:56, 2005:98, 2005:133, 141, 2005:156, 2006:81, 2006:103, 2007:47, 2007:70, 2007:118, 2008:17, 2008:74–75, 80, 89, 2008:114, 2008:122, 2009:99, 2010:8, 2010:71, 2010:74, 2011:25, 2011:32, 2011:48, 2011:111, 2012:13, 2012:90, 2012:103, 2012:112, 2013:107, 2013:126, 2013:140, 2014:44, 2014:85, 2014:144, 2015:5, 2015:9, 2015:83, 2015:149, 2015:164, 2016:6, 2016:9, 2016:129, 2016:133

Virginia, 1987:29–31, 37, 2002:61

Virginia Department of Conservation & Recreation, 2002:64

Vitak, Jake 2011:105, 2014:160

Vivian, Alice 2004:123, 2004:146, 2008:12–13

, Hal 2004:123, 2004:146

Voelker, Patricia 2007:62, 2008:13, 2009:113, 2009:119, 2009:127, 2010:71, 2012:12, 2012:20, 2012:97, 2012:108, 2013:85

Vogel, Christopher 2012:54

Voice of America Site, NC 1994:27, 1994:108, 1995:82, 1995:177, 1996:75, 78, 1998:104, 1999:52, 2000:7

Voight, John 2008:36

Voigt, John 2004:59, 2004:172, 2005:59, 2005:112, 120, 2005:165, 2007:16, 27, 2009:17, 2009:26, 2009:73, 2009:113, 2010:49, 2010:58, 2010:93, 2010:96, 2011:2, 2011:46, 2011:47, 2011:64, 2011:68, 2011:74, 2011:75, 2011:126, 2011:129, 2011:133, 2011:135, 2011:157, 2012:21, 2012:36, 2012:60, 2012:109, 2012:134, 2013:62, 2014:33, 2014:41, 2014:67, 2014:68, 2014:113, 2015:53, 2015:106 See also Fussell, John and -

Vollmar, Dennis 2015:96–97

Voss, Chris 2011:46

Vukovich, Mark 2008:66–67, 2008:118, 2010:65, 2010:69, 2011:76, 2012:96, 2013:59, 2013:64, 2013:68, 2014:78, 2015:106, 2015:108, 2015:183, 2016:81, 2016:93, 2016:99, 2016:112, 2016:127, 2016:140

Vulkovich, Mark 2009:73

Vultare, NC 1973:85, 1973:86, 1974:25, 1974:28, 1974:96, 1974:97, 1976:18, 1976:47, 1976:48, 1976:49, 1976:103, 1977:53, 1977:99, 1978:15, 1978:17, 1978:37

Vulture, Black 1971:67, 1971:95, 1972:24, 1972:112, 1974:No. 4 cover photo, 1975:13, 1976:39, 1976:56, 1976:72, 1977:42, 1977:43, 1978:48, 1978:71, 1978:73, 1978:74, 1979:50, 1979:82, 1979:83, 1980:7, 1980:47, 1981:2, 1981:79, 1982:34, 1982:49, 1982:88, 1982:102, 1982:103, 1983:106, 1984:20, 1984:65–68, 1984:78, 1984:97, 1985:102, 1986:23, 1986:126, 1987:20, 1987:53, 1987:79, 1987:91, 1988:43, 1988:86, 1989:18, 1989:72, 1990:43, 1990:89, 1992:85, 1993:57, 1995:174, 1996:117, 1998:162, 1999:50, 2000:101, 2000:125, 2000:147, 2002:125, 127–128, 2003:42, 2003:84, 2003:113, 2003:132, 2004:28, 2004:68, 2004:135, 2004:144, 151, 2005:5, 2005:95, 2005:129, 136, 138, 2005:153, 2006:76, 2007:41, 2007:65, 2007:112, 2008:14, 2008:79, 85, 2008:121, 2009:95, 2010:7, 2010:55, 2010:72, 2011:22, 2011:31, 2011:65, 2011:108, 2011:127, 2012:12, 2012:86, 2012:101, 2013:109, 2013:119, 2013:122, 2013:139, 2014:43, 2014:66, 2014:83, 2014:127, 2014:140, 2015:7, 2015:82, 2015:160, 2016:8, 2016:100, 2016:132

, Turkey 1971:2, 1971:94, 1972:100, 1974:71, 1974:83, 1975:13, 1976:56, 1977:42, 1978:48, 1978:71, 1978:73, 1978:74, 1978:76, 1979:50, 1979:82, 1979:83, 1980:7, 1981:2, 1981:85–90, 1983:36, 1983:90, 1984:54, 1984:65, 1985:4, 1986:126, 1987:91, 1987:110, 1989:96, 1991:94, 1992:3, 1993:16, 1993:79, 1994:61, 1995:74, 1995:174, 2000:125, 2000:147, 2001:94, 2002:8, 2002:44, 2002:130, 2003:43, 2003:84, 2003:132, 2004:20, 28, 2004:68, 2004:135, 2004:144, 151, 2005:5, 2005:95, 2005:130, 133, 138, 2005:153, 2006:76, 2007:65, 2007:112, 2008:14, 2008:75, 83, 85, 2008:121, 2009:95, 2010:7, 2010:72, 2011:22, 2011:31, 2011:108, 2012:12, 2012:86, 2012:101, 2013:101, 2013:122, 2013:139, 2014:43, 2014:83, 2014:127, 2014:140, 2015:7, 2015:82, 2015:160, 2016:8, 2016:100, 2016:132