About the Club

Mission Statement

The Carolina Bird Club is a non-profit organization that represents and supports the birding community in the Carolinas through its website, publications, meetings, workshops, trips, and partnerships, whose mission is

Join us — Join, Renew, Donate

The Carolina Bird Club, Inc., is a non-profit educational and scientific association open to anyone interested in the study and conservation of wildlife, particularly birds.

The Club meets each winter, spring, and fall at different locations in the Carolinas. Meeting sites are selected to give participants an opportunity to see many different kinds of birds. Guided field trips and informative programs are combined for an exciting weekend of meeting with people who share an enthusiasm and concern for birds.

The Club offers research grants in avian biology for undergraduate and graduate students, and scholarships for young birders.

The Club publishes two print publications (now also available online). The Chat is a quarterly ornithological journal that contains scientific articles, reports of bird records committees and bird counts, and general field notes on bird sightings. CBC Newsletter is published bimonthly and includes birding articles and information about meetings, field trips, and Club news.

The Club provides this website to all for free.

By becoming a member, you support the activities of the Club, receive reduced registration fee for meetings, can participate in bonus field trips, and receive our publications.

Join, Renew, or Donate now!

Other Resources (NOT sponsored by Carolina Bird Club)

Finding Birds In South Carolina
Robin Carter

In 1986 when Robin Carter and Caroline Eastman moved to South Carolina, Robin decided that South Carolina needed a bird finding guide and that he was going to write it. Seven years and 80,000 miles later, Finding Birds in South Carolina was published by the University of South Carolina Press in 1993. After the new editor of the Press decided not to reprint or revise the book, Robin requested and received return of the copyright. After Robin's death in 2008, his widow Caroline had the book digitized by Lulu. The full text of the book, in searchable PDF image format, is now available for download at the link above. Note that the download is around 12MB.

In addition to detailed site descriptions organized by county, the book contains a general introduction to birding and bird habitats in South Carolina, a list of sites near major highways, a list of locations for selected species, and both a species and a general index. Although some counties are much better for birding than others, each county is represented by at least one site. Some of the information is now out-of-date, but most of the information is still useful. Keep in mind that a few sites are no longer open to birders, such as the Savannah Spoil Area. The Carolina Bird Club has the nonexclusive right to distribute this book and to prepare derivative works in the form of updated site descriptions for the online site directory.

Also before his death, Robin provided the CBC with updates of many of his site descriptions, and these updated descriptions are available here.

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